chapter ten

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I go downstairs to the basement of the school and find a literal hole in the wall, when I take a closer look, there's a carton against it. I shove it aside and find Cat sitting on a bed.

She dims the lights.

"Cat, I already saw you.", I chuckle.

I hear a little 'dang it' when she puts her light back on and looks at me confused.

"What are you doing here?", she asks.

"I could ask you the same.", I say.

"Let's not ask each other that question then.", she says, rapidly looking around her.

"Oh! We can have a sleepover!", she suggests.

"Alright Cat, I'll go get something to sleep on in Sikowitz's classroom.", I tell her.

"Kay.", she says, giggling. Jade was right, she is still a kid.

When I return, though. she'd already fallen asleep again. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep too.

The next morning, I get awakened by Cat's alarm.

"Good morning.", she says yawning and stretching,

"Good morning.", I say, feeling that familiar stiffness in my body and then suddenly an immense shooting pain in my side.

I remember I left my flannel to dry on the radiator in Sikowitz's classroom, so I make my way over there. Well, more like limping my way over there. Cat went outside in the meantime.

"Tori!", I jump. "You're early.", Sikowitz says.

I laugh and stand up to grab my dry flannel.
"You are, too.", I say.

"Yes, preparations take time. You haven't signed in yet for the trip this Thursday, don't forget to do it.", he says.

"I will do it right away.", I smile and make my way to my locker. I take my books for my next class.

"Hey Tor, why didn't you answer my call yesterday? Where's your bag?", Andre asks.

"My phone got stolen at the club. I didn't mean to ignore you." I say.

"Your aunt let you use your fake ID?", he whisper-shouts.

"Who knows we got fake ID's?", Beck asks in horror.

Our conversation gets interrupted by this annoying voice that belongs to my sister.

"Heeeey handsome friend of Tori, what do you think of my new shirt?", she asks drooling over Beck.

"Isn't that Tori's shirt?", he asks, confused.

Trina glares at me and storms off.

Jade and Cat come in through the entrance and I would do anything to get a hug from Jade right now.

I smile at her, but she doesn't even meet my eye. Weird.

"Hi gi-", Beck attempts but gets cut off by her.


Jep, old Jade is definitely back.

Before I can ask her if we could just go to lunch somewhere together, only us two, the bell rings and everyone walks off to class.

I try to sit close to her usual spot, so I can easily pass a note, but she goes to sit on the other side of the room.

Luckily right before the teacher walks in I'm able to pass the note all the way to Jade, Because Andre and Cat are sitting in between us.

EndgameWhere stories live. Discover now