chapter eight

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Pov Jade:

I cannot believe this guy. He's so stupid. People are so stupid.

Sikowitz has kept us until AFTER 6 PM to rehearse our roles for the past week and he says it's still not good enough. Why? Because Vega and I don't have enough chemistry.

It's currently 4:30PM on a Monday now and he's just told us to meet at Nozu for dinner in an hour.

Which is even more ridiculous!

As if I don't have better things to do.

Pov Tori:

I'm at Nozu with Sikowitz. He's drinking a bottle of Soya sauce. Don't even ask. Jade's late, I wouldn't even be surprised if she doesn't show up.

Why am I here?

Jade appears suddenly, immediately stating that she's only here for her own interest and not because he told her to come.

"Okay girls, as an actor, to fully get into your role, you must live your role. I, for instance, had to play a guy with a lot of backpain once and so I threw myself off a couple stairs to feel the pain. Since you have to play a believable couple, you must date. It's simple as that.

We look at him as if she's totally gone mental. Honestly what was the principal thinking hiring this guy anyway?

"What do you mean? 'We must date'?", I ask.

"He means, Vega, that we have to sit here and talk and have a good night until we fall in love with each other, so we can play a believable couple.", Jade says.

"Yep, and you stay here until they close.", he says.

"Yeah! Not gonna happen.", Jade says.

"Yeah, we'll be along.", I say. We both stand up from our seat, but Sikowitz tells us to stay.

"If you leave, you get an F for the whole semester. I have my two spies here.-",
Burf's walking outside and Sinjin is sitting at a table far away from us, with a bandaged hand.
I see Jade smirking at it.
"So don't even try to leave, because I WILL know.", he says.

We grunt and get back in our seats.

"Well happy dating!", he says and disappears.

"Let's just order and get this over with.", I say.

"I'm still not talking to you.", Jade says.

We don't talk to each other for a good ten minutes until our food arrives. I intentionally start slurping hard to start a conversation.

"NO!", she shouts after a while. Bingo.

"How's your food, Jade?", I ask.

"It's food Vega.", she says.

I don't really know what to answer her now, so I slurp just one more time, which does the job.

She grabs the spoon out of my hand, puts it beside her and goes towards my bowl.

"Oh, are you going to steal my food now, too?", I ask, glaring at her, still mad from earlier.

She purposely knocks my bowl over, spilling everything on the counter.

"Oops.", she says, in that whiny voice she uses when she mocks me.

"C'mon, Jade. Why are you acting like this? There's literally no reason why we can't just have a normal conversation.", I say.

"Oh, I've got a reason.", she says.

"Oh really?", I say.

"Uhu! I. don't. like. you.", she throws at me.

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