chapter seven

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Pov Tori:

My hand is throbbing like crazy. I came to school today late, since Trina wouldn't bring me and I had to bandage my own blue hand.

When I enter the classroom, Jade's the first one to make a joke about it.

"I don't remember Sikowitz saying we were going to do a mummy play.", she says, which makes half the class chuckle.

I roll my eyes. You think this is a game, Jade? Fine, I can play too. I thought we were finally getting along, but here she is again, insulting me like nothing happened yesterday.
After class I get bombarded with questions from everyone.

"I wasn't paying attention and I burned my hand by taking the kettle off with my bare hands.", I make up a lie, to which they all groan, imagining the pain.

Then I see Jade already looking at me.

"Hey, how's Ji-", I try to ask, but I get cut off.

"Jimmy's fine. Don't mention it, she's still mad at these two idiots and every time she gets reminded of it, her revenge gets sweeter.", Beck says, referring to Robbie and Cat, which makes Jade glare at them.

When I'm standing alone to get something out of my locker, Jade pulls me to the janitors closet and locks the door so no one can follow behind.

"What is wrong with you?! Since when do you have that key?", I ask.

"Doesn't matter. I really wanted to say thank you for yesterday.", she says, seemingly nervous.

I look at her confused by her sudden... kindness¿?

"You're still welcome, Jade.", I reassure her.

"Ialsowanttoapologise.", she rambles.

"English please?", I say. She sighs, rolling her eyes.

"I'm really sorry about the way I threw you out as well.", she mumbles.

"I understand Jade. It was in the heat of the moment, you wanted to be with your brother.", I say.

She looks at the ground and grips her arm with her other hand.

"I forgive you, if that's what you want to hear.", I say trying to get her to look back at me.

"Jade, what's wrong?", I ask.

"I really want to be nicer to you, but I can't CHANGE for you. I can't change for anyone. I'll always have my outburst and I just don't understand why you keep wanting to be my friend.", she says.

"Because to me, you are Jade and the outburst just come with that. It doesn't define you. Also, I really like your house.", I say.

Oh, and I might be in love with you!

She smiles and rolls her eyes at that last part.

"You haven't even seen my room yet.", she says, winking.

The bell rings and we both groan, then start laughing again.

"Hey ehm Tori, can we talk again at lunch?", Jade asks.

"We can always talk, Jade.", I say as if that's the most obvious thing for us to do.

"I meant in here, alone.", she says. Before I can answer her, she opens the door and mutters something about having to go now, since she's on bad terms with the teacher. I'd be surprised if that was the only teacher she's on 'bad terms' with...

As much as I'd want to witness the drama between her and that teacher, I have to run to my own class, so we part our ways.

When I reach in my bag to get my book for this period, I can't find it.

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