Chapter 424

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[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]


[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]


[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]


[Level Up]

[+102,509,223 MCP]

Close to another hour passes as I continue to farm in the volcanic region, testing out my new water summoning skill and finding that if I use about a fifth of my mana control, they can put up a better fight.

I reach level 684 before one of them finally drops an advanced fire stone. It burns hot and gives off a dark aura. I place it in my item storage for later, as this is the strongest fire stone I've ever seen.

There are plenty of stronger Wyverns deeper in, closer to the Boss room portal, but I want to take my time farming here. Killing monsters just above my level gives me the optimal amount of MCP and PP gains per level up. On top of that, I'm looking to get the maximum number of kills in order to farm element stones too.

The drop rate here seems to be less than 2%, but for such a valuable resource, it's actually pretty high.

The main reason I've stopped now is because I'm well over the agreed-upon timeframe I said I'd meet back up with Bri, and she finally hit level 645 in an intense duel against one of the white-winged hawk creatures on the 29th floor.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find another mutant Wyvern despite camping by the borders of the regions. However, I'll be back here very soon.

"Dungeon Walker."

I blip back to see Bri less than 100 meters away and air step down to the ground nearby with my Qi barrier fully activated.

I wave at her as she collects the mana crystal from her last battle and looks at me with a confused and half-startled expression.

"I was wondering when you'd show up... and secretly hoping you'd let me keep at it until I hit the max level in this dungeon... odd how things worked out-"

I take a few steps closer until we're less than 10 meters apart, then she takes a step back and the confused expression on her face grows.

"You- look a lot different... and your aura... it's gone."

Bri tightens her gaze to look me up and down, unable to piece this puzzle together. I reply.

"It's a new ability. Probably better if you don't ask. I'm unable to share this one."

Her stare remains on me for a moment, and I decide to allow about 20% of my aura out, just like I did while facing the strongest Red Wyvern in the dungeon above us. Her expression shift back to normal. She replies once my aura is able to be felt.

"Interesting... to my senses, it seemed like you weren't even here. It almost felt like my eyes were playing tricks on me."


[CH399+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now