Chapter 525

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I nod, and Leo leads us down the hall past over half a dozen identical doors until he turns into another mana-shielded room just like the one we left.

Instead of being wide open like the last one, this room is split into two halves with the same high B-Grade mana shielding dividing it in the center.

There's a long bench and table on both sides of the wall and a clear section so both sides can see each other, with two silver metal cubes built into the wall on both sides of the glass-like material. They look like they have mechanisms to open and close on both sides of the wall.

Leo and his two water-wielding guards go on one side, and Ember, Lith, and I go on the other.

Leo is the first to speak up, pointing to the silver cubes.

"Press the control panel when you are ready to begin."

There is a small silver tablet built into the table in front of us that we sit on, and I press it at the same time Leo does.

I hear a click on his end and mine.

The cube to my right opens up next to me, and the cube to my left opens up on his side of the table.

At the same time, the door we walked through to get in here shuts abruptly and the center of the room seals itself to make the room split evenly in half.

I watch him place an item box in his cube and press the tablet. It clicks closed, so I do the same, taking the item boxes full of gear and potions out from my storage and placing them into the cube open in front of me. Then, press the tablet to initiate the trade.

It clicks shut, and immediately two more clicks echo through the room and the left cube opens.

I pull it out and look inside to start counting out the money inside and confirm it's the exact amount.

Leo begins sifting through the item boxes I sent him and takes about ten full minutes to go through his papers and tally everything he has.

Then, he nods and presses the tablet again to have the cube on his end close.

I do the same, seeing that I've got everything I need from this deal.

The moment I do, the silver box shuts and the door sealing the room opens up. The open hallway is visible to both of us.

It's a very cool mechanism, and now I want to build one myself back in the Crimson City to conduct similar deals.

If either party isn't happy with their trade, they can withhold both parties from leaving the sealed rooms until the proper deal is done.

Leo looks through the clear section in the center of the shielding and speaks up again.

"These are good items. Who makes them? And where do you source the raw materials from? Is there truly no limit to how much we can order per month?"

He turns to Lith.

"Your middleman here told me you could handle ten times this order if needed, is that really true?"

He turns his head back to me curiously, and the room falls silent for a few seconds.

Then, I respond in a static voice through the appraisal-blocking armor.

"I have some dungeons I farm from in the Dark Continent, and a small team of skilled craftsmen that is capable of fulfilling orders no matter the size."

He thinks to himself before responding.

"What about that armor? Who makes it? And can we purchase items of that quality in a future order?"

[CH399+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now