Chapter 563

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"Instead of letting the energy flow through you, control the threads from the orange core to create a barrier around your body. While the red core boosted your perception and innate abilities, this experience will reinforce your strength, defense, and consolidate itself as an impenetrable barrier."

I picture the orange threads intertwining with the insects' limbs earlier, making them so tough that I had to use my full power to break through them.

The threads of orange light permeated from their cores and consolidated around their exoskeletons to create a barrier around the creatures.

"So, like a Qi barrier?"

Ember nods and throws the fragment he's holding into his mouth, swallows it, then replies.

"Kind of. Watch me, then try to replicate what you see. This is going to be a far slower process, and a lot more painful too."

His eyes light up with orange light, then slow-moving orange threads of divine energy start to move from his chest to permeate throughout his body.

They slowly begin to wrap around his arms and legs, creating a thin layer of dense orange gravity surrounding his body, moving over his skin like a very viscous liquid.

My gaze tracks his vitals while his MP and HP spike up and down as his body heals at a much more rapid rate than it did when consuming the red cores.

It takes almost 5 whole minutes before the orange energy surrounds his entire being, then another 5 for it to dissolve away and fade into the air.

A tiny layer of orange light is left behind inside his crimson aura when he looks up at me with a grin.

"Remember, the first half is the hard part. Make it through that and the rest is easy."

I take a deep breath while staring off into the endless sky and swallow an orange fragment of my own.

At first, it feels just like the reds.

A surge of heat ripples through me, and momentarily, my vision even turns bright orange as well.

I counteract it with my all-seeing eye and multiple buffs to stay fully conscious, but it doesn't matter much once the orange threads of energy begin to spread throughout my body.

They're extremely hot, giving the perception of millions of molten slithering serpents digging through my flesh beneath my skin.

Instead of the evenly spread, fast-moving energy of the red cores, this one gives an entirely different feeling.

Coarse, slow-moving threads of heavy reality-bending energy intertwine themselves with my muscles, blood, and bones while spreading to the tips of my fingers and the bottom of my toes.

Watching this process take place from an outsider's perspective on Ember's body was a totally different experience than having it happen to myself.

What took just 5 minutes or so for him feels like hours are slowly passing by.

My entire body glows with a bright orange light, and dozens of mana crystals are being plundered to provide for the massive amount of regeneration being done on a cellular level to every square centimeter of my body.

I want to yell out and scream through the pain, but that would break my concentration. The only thing I can do is stare off into the clouds, keeping the faint black outline of obsidian trees in my consciousness while the heavy chain below me swings in the wind.

My skin is melted as an impossibly dense, slow-moving layer of orange divine energy sets itself around my skin, eyes, and even hair.

It feels as if I weigh ten times more than I did moments ago. Gravity is pushing me down much harder than it was before I ate this fragment, and an immense pressure is pounding down on not only my body but my mind as well.

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