Chapter 552

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More applicants come out from their resting rooms, and the doors close, sealing the rooms behind them one by one.

The last door to open and reveal its hunter is the one right next to me labeled [2].

Trax comes walking out with a slow stride.

His right arm and side are fully healed and regrown; however, there's a large white scar on the side of his face.

He glares at me as he walks out, crackling with electricity, trying to show the entire room that the attack wasn't the end of our disagreements.

I stare at his face with an unsettled expression, not because I'm scared of his measly aura, but because I wasn't expecting my attack to leave such a permanent mark.

It appears even this soft heal skill at legendary grade and near the A-Class rating has its limits in healing delicate portions of the body. I'm so used to using mythic-grade self-regeneration and relying on Abby's restoration skill that I didn't realize it wouldn't be able to be mended.

It's clear everyone else in the room knew this beforehand, and their anger from hours before makes much more sense to me now.

Even so, I shrug and turn to the center of the room.

He deserves worse; I was being generous not going for the kill shot when I had the chance.

The scarred lightning user grunts and looks away from me, staring forward at the two A-Class hunters standing behind the light blue stone.

On this note, the ceiling lights up to show the rankings and Rodrigo's image talking to us.

"I hope you all had a peaceful rest and have stocked up on all the items necessary for this final stage of the exams."

Small circles open up in the floor below each applicant, and a silver tablet rises from the floor on thin white tables.

"Here, to compete in the 5th stage, we require each of you to sign a contract ensuring that any artifacts you manage to obtain in our next trial are property of the Apex Region. There are no exceptions; if you do not agree to a full body and item box search before and after this stage is complete, you may leave now and consider your hopes for a B-Class ID terminated."

He smiles and pauses.

"That is, except for our 1st place finisher in the last event. You may leave now if you wish and accept your B-Class ID without partaking in the final event."

Nat's eyebrows raise from across the room, and instantly a link between us opens.

While Rodrigo pauses again and many applicants begin reading the contract on silver tablets in front of them, we discuss whether or not she should take part in this stage. Something tells me leaving her alone, unable to tap into the Flame Emperor's power right now, isn't the safest bet. Both of us agree that entering this next stage of the exams so we can stick together is a better plan.

I look down at the contract after this too, flipping through the digital pages and signing the hunter Ray Anderson's name in each spot where it's necessary. Most of the text is just allowing access to our item boxes and penalties that will occur if we try to smuggle out any materials gained from this stage after this portion of the exams.

If there is this much prep beforehand, I assume the exam site will be heavily surveilled too. I wasn't planning on taking any of their worthless C and B Grade items before, but now they've piqued my interest. If there is any way or good reason for me to breach this contract in the future, I'm doing it without batting an eye. The name I'm signing isn't even mine.

Once everyone finishes up, Rodrigo continues talking.

"As many of you may have suspected, this final stage will be in a large open-air simulation zone. All applicants will be present at once and competing against each other."

[CH399+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now