Chapter 439

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The conversation between brothers, bragging and laughing about backstabbing their men countless times for profit, plays in its entirety for every member of both gang to see.

There are 20 of them in total. 12 from the Green Mist remain, and 8 from the Crimson Dagger. Their eyes widen more and more with every word said on the recording. I stand in silence behind them, watching closely while I think about exactly what I'll be doing next.

As the video hits its end and starts up again from the beginning, I stow it away into a pocket of my burning suit that leads to a small item storage portal.

The grunts begin to get restless as they sit on the hard floor of the warehouse, so I speak.

"Stand up and speak your mind, whatever you say for the next minute will not have any repercussions."

Instantly, a series of mixed remarks come my way in the form of yells, solemn silent stares, and questions about how I got that footage.

Some question its validity, while others believe every word and are having moments of clarity, cursing out their leaders because they suspected something like this was going on all along.

Overall, anger and mixed emotions fill the room, and I let them discuss it amongst themselves for a moment before speaking up.

"Good. Now that you all understand what's really going on, it's time for me to confront your leaders. You're all going to watch."

They all nod in silence as I let the black flames around me grow slightly bigger and the golden-yellow glow from my eyes shine brighter.

"After I'm done with them, we'll talk about the future of this town."

I turn to face the door.

"Follow me."

We all walk out from the warehouse and the stern looks and overly negative attitude toward me have faded. Now the men are only fearful and questioning their decisions in life.

I bring them to the center of town and order them all to stand back in a group in front of one of the abandoned shops in the square. Far enough away not to be within the range of whispers, but close enough to see me stand right in front of it with my arms crossed in a relaxed stance.

We wait in the square in total silence for almost half an hour until I feel an eerie presence watching. The moment I shift my gaze in all directions, then finally upward, it disappears and the fountain opens up with a bright white flash of mana-imbued light.

I'm unsure if I felt this the last time I witnessed the doors of the bunker open, but I wasn't this close up to it. I brush off the feeling, but stay on high alert moving forward.

It's about time for the Crimson Dagger's check-in meeting, but their leader is going to get quite the unexpected surprise.

I turn back to the grunts and speak.

"I'll be back in a minute. If you even think about running before I come out, you're dead."

Then, walk down the spiral staircase into the mana-shielded bunker with a confident and steady pace.

Once I get to the bottom, the middle door opens and the man in bright red armor comes charging out with both his crimson daggers already in his hands.

Red fog comes seeping out from his armor as he lunges closer.

"Intruder! What have you done with my men? What is the meaning of this?"

I sidestep using [Extreme Speed] to dodge his incoming strike and move to the far side of the room.

[CH399+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now