Chapter 465

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After clearing the boss room 18 times over the next 45 minutes, everyone in the group reaches level 994. We could most likely push everyone up to 997 if we farmed here for a few more hours, considering the Minotaur Boss consistently appears at level 993 to 997. However, the minuscule gains aren't worth the extra time wasted right now.

So, we leave the Labyrinth back to the dungeons in the canyon.

The sound of heavy stone being pulled in wooden carts hits our ears as the red-orange morning sun rises over the sand dunes of the desert.

I float up out of the canyon and see the tired pack of grunts trudging my way.

They look pale, hungry, thirsty, and on the edge of death's door. Some of them even look angry at the sight of me, letting out grunts and sneers.

I sigh and order them to drink another vial each of suggestion elixir from my item storage to make all of them fall back in line. In my time away, the effects of this potion began wearing off.

However, if I work them any harder, they may actually die.

As that may be a fitting fate, their labor would still be useful in the future.

I activate my earth magic and disperse all of the stone in the carts. Then, I look far off the stone trail about 50 meters near the canyon's edge and instantaneously form five small worker huts in a line out of stone with nothing more than hard beds and a single table in each of them.

They have no windows, and an open door, but will be more than enough to keep these men out of the heat and keep them from dying. I pull out rations of food, water, and more elixir from my item storage and evenly distribute them in the huts using telekinesis from a distance.

I stand before the dazed grunts and point to the huts.

"Take your rest. Eat and drink up, make sure to take your elixir once you wake up and await my orders when I return."

They all let go of their carts and begin moving toward the makeshift housing. I move the carts off to opposite sides of the desert path in neat lines. They'll most likely be useful again at some point in the future. So, there's no harm in leaving them out here for now.

As my teammates follow behind and we approach the town, they have mixed thoughts on my punishment of the grunts. However, we take a slow and peaceful walk back to town on the stone path while I fill them in on the exact details of what happened in the town yesterday. After this, they're far more understanding of my harsh treatment.

Abby and Arie are especially on board and think I should be pushing them harder than that, even violent torture is on the table in their minds. Maria agrees with me almost entirely, believing that an eye for an eye is good punishment. Fisher, Lydia, and Monk don't care to make any comments on the matter.

Once we get back into the small settlement, the topic of conversation shifts to what the end goal is with all of these people.

They're from all over the Dark Continent and have no place to call home, they're stranded out here in Sector 2.

As we walk through the doors of the empty guild hall and down into the mana-shielded bunker, I respond to this point.

"I'll be giving all of them a few options shortly. I can tell they still need their rest, I'll wait to make a speech to everyone until they're all awake."

One by one, we walk down the spiral stairs, and right on cue, one of my doubles and Ember arrive from the sky. They too walk down and join us shortly after I open the middle wall and let everyone inside the mana-shielded base.

Once the initial awestruck moment of admiring the room passes, my double takes its item storage contents out to place in the center of the empty half of the room.

[CH399+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now