act i

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ACT i : game-night

Sun lights beamed brightly for a brand new day, the 7:00am alarm blaring loudly as a hand stretched over to stop the annoying sound, bright honey eyes flashed opened then squinted against the daylight forcing her to turn around only to be greeted with the sleeping face of her wife.

She smiled softly tracing her delicate features, after many years of marriage, she was still in awe of her wife's beauty and felt like the luckiest woman alive having to wake up next to her everyday.

Not saying their marriage was all rainbows and sunshines, hell no, what with both being so different and raised differently, their stubbornness and fierceness tends to come out, however, their love was stronger than anything so even if they fought, they loved harder.

And as she watched the love of her life sleep, the girl turned woman who she has loved since she was sixteen, well maybe even before that. The woman who had proudly made her a mommy by giving her three beautiful children, she couldn't help the love that bloomed and shined so brightly in her heart. She smiled watching long lashes starting to flutter and she got back in position by laying her head back down onto the pillow, closing her eyes pretending to sleep.

Soon she felt pair of lips kissing her face, she tried hard to not give herself away but she couldn't help it, every time those lips touched her it was like a drug, so addicting, she curled her feet under the covers to stop herself from breaking character but it wasn't working especially when those lips moved against hers, softly kissing and nibbling against her bottom ones.

"How long are you going to pretend to be asleep my love" the soft amusing voice came through forcing her to break and smile at the end.

"As long as you keep up those kisses" her eyes finally opened meeting her favourite pair of eyes leaving her almost breathless.

Nothing beats her wife's beauty in the morning, she suddenly found herself onto her back as her wife climb on top of her, straddling her waist staring down at her.

"Morning baby" she smiled running soft hands against exposed thighs

A kiss was pressed against her lips and she welcomed it greedily, opening her mouth as she felt her wife's tongue touch her bottom lip. Low moaning could be heard between lips meeting before pulling away due to air being needed

"Good morning my love" she was met with a bright smile, taking the gorgeous woman in as she laid on top of her, it's hard to believe she's the one to have the grace of marrying such woman

"What are you thinking about?"

She exhaled softly almost in admiration stroking the woman on top of her soft cheek before moving a piece of long strand of hair from her face and leaning up to press their lips together

"I'm thinking about how lucky I am to have the Nicki Minaj sitting right here on top of me" she grinned teasingly at the roll of eyes and slight smile from her wife as she used her stage name .

"Well I'm the luckiest woman alive to be able to do this..." she welcomed the kiss from the brunette, holding tightly to the woman not wanting to part "to the Doctor Beyoncé Knowles, the top highest Cardiologist in the country!" The brunette gasped making Beyoncé giggle like a school girl

It was unbelievable how her wife could still render her to a blushing mess at the age of 43 years old.

"Impossible! I'm the luckiest!"

And soon they teasingly went back and forth trying to up the other, Beyoncé's heart felt full, the love this woman shows her and makes her feel, she couldn't explain with words

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