act xii

413 45 58

ACT XII : after all is said & done

MinajsUPDATES: 🎥 | @NICKIMINAJ captured signing autographs for fans as she leaves a private event *imagine attached*

Queensleeze: @NICKIMINAJ @MinajsUPDATES : ugh muva looks breathtaking as always😍

dasleezemaraj: @NICKIMINAJ @MinajsUPDATES whatever you're going through mama, i love you, you are a strong, talented woman and a great mother.

Marajsdynasty: @dasleezemaraj @NICKIMINAJ oh here y'all go again, why can't yall just be happy without always being negative?🙄

dasleezemaraj: @marajsdynasty @NICKIMINAJ bitch i wasn't talking to you, mind the job that pays you

Drickiisreal: @dasleezemaraj @marajsdynasty @NICKIMINAJ I blame Beyoncé, Drake would never😌

BEYNIKAFAM: @Drickiislove @marajsdynasty @NICKIMINAJ the delusional🫠

Drickiislove: @BEYNIKAFAM @marajsdynasty @NICKIMINAJ im delusional when your ship is going down like the titanic? babe go worry about that mess of a marriage💀😂

dasleezemaraj: @Drickiislove @BEYNIKAFAM @marajsdynasty @NICKIMINAJ ayo quit @ing me in y'all bullshits. You're here for Nicki or other people?😪

Marajsdynasty: @dasleezemaraj you were literally just making assumptions a few minutes ago?🥴

dasleezemaraj: @Marajsdynasty aye you wanna hop off my dik or shall i shove it down your throat so you'll stfu?😐

BEYNIKAFAM: @NICKIMINAJ @MinajsUPDATES there's just never peace in this fandom😪


Beyoncé groaned under the white sheet covering her up to her face in her sleeping state. The groan came due to feeling of a weight sitting on her stomach since she was sleeping on her back, the sheet was soon pulled back and a small voice spoke down loudly.

"Look alive!" they giggle as Beyoncé's eyes flashed open greeted by the sunlight which made her squint at the brightness.

"Princeton..." she sighed tiredly seeing once her Godson staring down at her with a wide smile, his small chubby hands pressed against her chest as he comfortably sat on her stomach, she laid her head back trying to shut her eyes again.

"No sleeping BB, wake up!" he touches her cheeks tapping on it making Beyoncé open her eyes again.

"BB sad?" He asked his big brown eyes full of innocent, pouting because he wasn't met with the bright smile of his favourite person.

Beyoncé sat up, bringing the boy with her as she leaned against the headboard, holding onto him securely she sighed slightly "yeah buddy, BB is sad"

Princeton watched Beyoncé for a few seconds before he leaned over giving Beyoncé a big open mouthed kiss on her cheek leaving that toddler saliva all over her.

"Feel bwetter BB"

Beyoncé's heart melted at the wide tiny tooth smile, she couldn't even cringe at the wetness against her cheek instead wrapped her arms around Princeton welcoming the boy's warmth as she hugged him tight. Her eyes stinging a little with tears.

"Thanks buddy" she mumbles still holding onto his small body, at her words, Princeton bust out laughing, his infamous contagious giggles making Beyoncé smile softly.

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