act iv

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Act iv: when the past knocks on your door

"Okay, breathe Beyoncé...breathe"

Beyoncé spoke lowly in front of the mirror, heart beating loudly against her ribcage, staring at herself through the mirror, her face flustered, she felt she was unable to formulate one single thoughts as all that raced through was the past couple of hours or so.....

'I'm sorry you must have the wrong person' the blonde chuckles amusingly. This wouldn't be the first time her wife's fans had done something crazy, Beyoncé was well aware of the fact of Onika's fans loved calling her wife their mother but she didn't think their little game involved her and they would take it to literal

'The thing is kid, my wife and I only have three children and to my knowledge they are all counted for. I'm not sure what game you're trying to play but—'

'I'm not playing any game!' The teen spoke forcefully cutting Beyoncé's words which made Beyoncé let out a tired sigh

This is really not want she wanted after a long ass operation, she still has so much too much and she was being held up by some stupid prank

"Look kid-" Beyoncé starts advancing toward the teen, this time when Lori spoke to cut Beyoncé's words short, she was equally annoyed as the blonde

'Do you really think I will skip all the people in this big city to show up here?'

'Wouldn't be the first time' scoffed Beyoncé lowly and the teen sighed, her face looking both annoyed and exhausted, she was trying not to be so angry at being called liar when she was simply going by what she knows!

'I'm not some crazed fan!' She insisted afterwards but Beyoncé's unchanged demeanour had her roll her eyes, with a slight pissed off look on her face, she dug into the backpack she was carrying before producing a photo

'That's my mom and I, on my 10th birthday'

Slowly she hands the photo to Beyoncé, the blonde sighs in defeat realising this charade would not stop so instead chose to take the worn out picture to entertain the kid, if it'll make the girl leave her alone.

'Looks familiar?'

Lori's voice chipped in, the question however falls to death ears as Beyoncé's eyes took in the picture, her head snapping up quickly to the girl then the picture, the woman in the picture may look a little older but she hasn't changed at all even if it has been almost 18 years and looking at the teen, Beyoncé could not only see the resemblances of her mother in her but also, the distinctive features belonging to the Biyencé family line because let's be honest all of them look like Tina. And all Beyoncé could think was




Beyoncé's head snapped toward the closed bathroom doors once she was snapped out of her thoughts, the sound of her cousin's voice carried out

After the reveal she had quickly directed Lori to her office but not before requesting Angie to make a call for Kelly. Once in her office, she instructed Lori to take a sit. The girl was amazed by the size of the office, she couldn't help but think this could be someone's house. She silently moved toward the living space with crème couches, a glass tablet at the centre, a mini bar on the side, what looked like 65" flat screen against the wall.

The office was painted in fluorescent beige with matching crème furnitures. Lori's eyes made note of pictures of Beyoncé's family scattered around. She couldn't help the slight jealousy she felt but as quick as it came, she was able to squash the feeling away.

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