act vi

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ACT VI : broken vows

Onika felt like she was going crazy, after that email confirming Beyoncé was in fact the biological parent of the girl Onika briefly met last night, the brunette couldn't help but wonder if her wife had other skeletons in her closet. Was there infidelity on Beyoncé's part that Onika had been blind to?

So she set off trying to find any clues that could help shed some light onto this. Has Beyoncé been cheating on her all these years and Onika just didn't know? Was the long hours of working just an excuse on the blonde's part? But so far she found nothing, all she did was managed to turn their room and Beyoncé's home office upside down only to come up empty handed and Onika cried out in frustration.

She felt heartbroken, blind sided and loss of faith in the one person she thought she knew inside and out. All these years she spent loving this one woman her whole life and this is the price she was paid. She sniffles trying to hold herself from breaking. The bottle of wine long finished in-between her mad search when the home alarm notified her of someone coming in. She knew it wasn't Beyoncé because it was still early which meant it must be Solange dropping off Ivy.

Onika quickly got up from her place on the floor, fixing herself to try and look presentable and not the mess she currently felt before leaving the room to greet her sister in-law and daughter.

"Ivy get outta my face!"

She heard Solange's annoyed voice and smiled a little knowing her child was doing something to annoy her auntie.

"Come on TT Solo, why not?" She heard Ivy whine and Onika shook her head, she was definitely asking something she knew she wasn't allowed.

"Because you're 15" Solange had restored with a bored duh voice before Onika made her presence known to the two who were currently in the kitchen.

Solange was by the open fridge while Ivy was pouting near the worktop.


Onika was slightly shocked as the teen ran up to her hugging her tightly. Hm, seems being away from home made Ivy miss her. Anyways she basked in the glow of her child's arms around her. Her first baby that made her a mommy, kissing her cheek softly.

"Hi baby, what are you out here driving your TT crazy about?" Onika smirked hearing Solange suck her teeth.

"Your demon child is trying to get me to give her Breezy's number"

Onika's eyes turned to her daughter who wore a sullen expression knowing the scolding was coming.

Breezy also known as the upcoming artist Chris Brown was currently the hottest heartthrob with a huge following fanbase despite just hitting the market not long ago. His first featuring being the Nicki Minaj herself and Onika mugged her daughter. Not only was the boy way older than Ivy, Onika had also witness firsthand exactly how Chris treats these girls that kept throwing themselves at him.

"Ivy Caroline Knowles"

"It's not even like that!" She pouted stomping her foot then turned to glare at auntie "you suck aunt Solange" she mugged looking like her blonde mother before stomping away.

"See why I call her a demon child" Solange points out making Onika chuckle lowly.

Solange finally closes the fridge door after getting a bottle of water out and walking to stand near the island, she stared at Onika with raised brow.

"Now that Ivy is out of earshot, you wanna tell me what's wrong?"

"What do you mean?"

Solange scoffs at the brunette's little white lie. "Come on Nic, I've known you practically my whole life, now unless you were upstairs smoking before we got here which you haven't done since the twins, the red in your eyes would indicate you been crying" Solange states with a knowing tone.

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