act v

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A/N: guys sorry for the mistakes i didn't proof-read. It's like 2am here & i got an early start. So...

ACT V : But the kid is not my son.

Onika smiles shutting the twins' bedroom door gently after ensuring both boys were indeed knocked out, seemed the soccer club they attended worn them out because once they had dinner and Onika gave them a bath, they were done with no fights, even the book they had picked for Onika to read for them barely passed four pages and they were fast asleep. The brunette chuckles lowly before going to the conservatory picking the scattered toys and putting them away in its original places.

Once she was done, she did a double check on the twins just to make sure the nightlight by Zion's bed was left on dimmed setting. The boy was still unable to sleep without lights so to not disturbs Zaine, they had customised a light which catered to both boys' sleeping preferences. Zion still had monsters under the bed idealisations, something she and Beyoncé had been gently trying to ease him out of it.

Onika lets out a deep breath at how quiet the house was, with the twins out for the day and Solo had texted her letting her know she will bring Ivy back tomorrow instead, Onika thought this would be the perfect time for her and Beyoncé to have a little alone time. She knows these coming weeks her schedule is about to be busy.

The boys' party was coming up, her event for the launch of her record label, her album dropping, interviews because knowing her fans, they will be on her ass of she doesn't promote that album especially after a five years hiatus.

With that in mind, she quickly went to grab a shower, washing her body throughly, once she was done, she wrapped her body in a big fluffy white towel, drying before buttering her skin with the body crème that Beyoncé loves so much. She decided to wear her favourite red lingerie before putting a silk gown on top. Her face makeup face but her lips was glossed up but she knew it won't be for long if Beyoncé has anything to do with it.

After she was done readying herself, she went downstairs, grabbing the necessities she needed to set up a candle lit table for two. Finishing the table off with a bucket of ice and champagne insider. She was just standing observing her handy work when she heard the tell-tale of car engine and hurried found a lighter lighting the candle up.

She moved herself into position, standing leaning by the table as footsteps could be heard. Not long after Beyoncé came into view, Onika's smile widen, fingers ready to undo the strings of her gown when her eyes landed at the next behind her wife and Onika stopped in her tracks, frowning deeply.

"Uh, hello?" Onika spoke her curiously, questioning eyes bouncing from Beyoncé to the teen who waved shyly at her.

Beyoncé's head glanced behind her then back to Onika, she moved toward her placing a kiss against her cheek.

"Hi baby"

"Hi..." Onika trailed wondering eyes looking at Beyoncé for answers. "I didn't know we were having a visitor..." her voice was asking what her words wasn't and Beyoncé sighs.

"Sorry mama, this is Lori. She's gonna stay with us for the night" she explained which wasn't much she knows but she couldn't tell Onika who Lori was with Lori right there. She did not need the teen seeing Onika flip out. 

"She is?" Onika asks still not getting the answer she wanted. She frowned a bit at the familiarity of the girl but she couldn't place her fingers on the why.

"Yeah, let me just get her suited upstairs and we'll talk, okay?" She stared into Onika's eyes pleadingly and Onika nods "thank you" Beyoncé smiled then faced Lori who was just watching them.

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