act xi

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ACT XI : it all falls down (ii)

"And that's what you've missed with the Maraj-Knowles residence" Ivy states dramatically to her auntie whom she was currently grabbing a brunch with

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"And that's what you've missed with the Maraj-Knowles residence" Ivy states dramatically to her auntie whom she was currently grabbing a brunch with. it's been a minute since she's seen her favourite cool aunt. Nobody tell the rest of her aunties, thank you.

"Damn bestie, all of that tea and you been holding out on me?" Solange gawked at hearing the drop of what was currently happening in her sister's home. She can't believe Beyoncé's got another child!
She was sure her parents knew because they have been acting odd lately.

"I'm sorry aunt Solo but your rude sister took my phone away so I couldn't call you" Ivy pouts her shoulders dropping in a sigh.

Solange sighed taking a sip of her drink then placing the mug back down "how's your momma holding up? Did she divorce my sister once she found out" Solange joked but Ivy frown deeply.

"Aunt Solo that's not funny!" She huffed and Solange accidentally chuckled lowly but at Ivy's glare she schooled her features taking Ivy's hand into hers.

"I'm kidding ladybug, I'm sorry. It wasn't funny. Forgive me?"

Ivy blew out a breath mugged her aunt but then smiled softly nodding to Solange's happiness.

"Now bestie, would I be fake if I said I wanted to meet my new niece?"

"Nah, she's actually not so bad"

"Oh? Do tell..."


"All good?"

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"All good?"

Onika gives a thumbs up at the question, she got up from the chair moving to seat onto the soft couch, she grabbed her laptop as the doors to the booth opened and out stepped her brother.

"Man that shit fire baby sis" the man grinned proudly and the brunette smiled in return.

This record would be the first time the two have come together for a song which was absolutely crazy considering how the fans have been asking none stop for a collaboration. It felt right now to collaborate.

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