act vii

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ACT VII : we will get through this

The brunette smiles widely at the loudness from the crowd, the cheering and applauses ringing loudly in her ears, she had decided to take one of the earpieces out just to hear the crowd and she was instantly blown away. Looking out into the thousands of people all of different races, beliefs, lifestyles whom all gathered under this one roof for her and her heart couldn't help but burst in happiness, feeling so full.

It was hard to believe not long ago she and her friends were handling her mixtapes in the streets for free, now people were paying to come see her. Her album and songs were sitting pretty on top of the charts, she can barely go anywhere without being swarmed by both the fans and paparazzi. Her face on every magazine covers, news, taxis, buses, you know it. Every host wanted an interview with her.

It was all so overwhelming in such little time but despite all this, she knew this is what she was born for and always wanted, okay maybe she misses leaving the house, walking down the streets and nobody giving a fuck but still, she wouldn't trade it.

And as she watched the thousands of fans cheering for her, she couldn't help but to bask in the excitement and glory. She hasn't touched the market for long but already her impact has travelled far and she knows she's here to stay and will one day leave a legacy.

"Damn kid that was fire!"

Was the first thing she heard as she stepped off the stage and got to backstage, she can still hear cheering from here even though the concert was over, sweat clinging her clothes against her skin, she needed a shower fast.

She finally smiled at her big brother as he opens his arms to hug her.

"I'm so proud of you ladybug"

She could almost roll her eyes at the nickname he still won't shake off, even at her big age the man still refers to her by the nickname which was given to her as an enfant.

The siblings pulled away, the brunette's smile wide as ever before a loud squeal reached her ears.

"Ahhh, that's my cousin!!!"

Nicki's arms were ready to receive Lauren, as the two hugged, the man couldn't help but chuckle at them as they started jumping up and down still with their arms wrapped around each other, the same childhood way they would always hug each other.

"Did you really like it?" Onika pulled away first bitting her bottom lip.

"Girl please, I was ready to join you on that stage!"

"And should!" Nicki laughs loudly and watched as her brother left the two alone to go speak to the crew on the other side.

Onika smiles, she was so happy to have her family here with her, she was so nervous with this being her first tour but knowing her family were backstage supporting her meant a lot to her, it's just a shame the other one person Onika truly wanted here, wasn't, that instantly put sadness in her until a male's voice interrupted her thoughts

"Damn Miss Nicki, you truly brought the house down"

Nicki heard Lauren sighed inwardly with a scoff before saying something about going to find Nicki's mother and hurriedly left,

With Lauren gone, Onika turns smiling at her friend Aubrey also known as a fellow rapper Drake, just like Nicki, he too was discovered by the same person except he came before Nicki did and because they were both founded by the same person, the two worked together a lot, featuring in each other's albums, doing a few interviews, magazines shoots etc.

It came to a point they somehow ended up with fans who shipped them together, it was ridiculous because Onika was taken and very much in love with her girlfriend who she had been dating since they were teenagers, before she even became Nicki Minaj to the world.

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