𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1

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********** A Delulu's Dream ************


The soft rustling of pages filled the room as I immersed myself in the emotional rollercoaster of a novel. Tears had welled up in my eyes moments ago, but now, a smile graced my lips. It was a bittersweet tale, a story that tugged at my heartstrings.

"Awwwn....wow but why will Sophie die 😭," I murmured, wiping away the remnants of my tears. It was a sad yet fulfilling story, a perfect blend of emotions that left me wanting more.

"Like seriously 🤭, OMG! What did you say to him? I wish I was you at that moment," the voices of my friends drew nearer, interrupting my reverie. Their excitement was palpable, and I couldn't help but be curious about their conversation.

"Mmmmm.....must be a guy they are talking about," I thought to myself, a knowing smile playing on my lips.

"Julianna! Julianna ! Julianna," my friends exclaimed as they burst into the room, enveloping me in hugs and eager to share the day's events. Today was Sunday, and I had skipped the tutorial due to fatigue.

"So.... what's the gist?" I asked, eager to hear their story.

"You won't believe what happened today....," Maya began, her cheeks flushed with excitement.

"Seems...the guy is really cute," I interjected, already sensing the direction of their conversation.

"Like! So cute," Nora confirmed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"He's a twin brother to ACE," Stella added, her voice filled with admiration.

"Hey hey.....enough with the hyping," I said, feeling overwhelmed by their excitement. "Just tell me the gist. What happened?" I added, a hint of impatience in my tone.

"Don't mind these girls, let me gist you," Stella interjected, eager to share the story. "We saw a guy today, he's indeed like ACE, you know Ace Hernandez?" she began.

"Who doesn't know Ace Hernandez?" I replied, my interest piqued. "But I know they are a lot of cute guys but don't compare with ACE, tae my V, Atticus Finch, Fitzwilliam Darcy, and many more..." I added, my voice trailing off as I thought of my favorite fictional characters.

"Same here! But this guy....🥹," they all replied in chorus, their eyes shining with excitement.

"I still don't believe but okay..... okay. Who is he? Is he a student?" I asked, eager to hear more.

"We Don't know. But he's a friend to Jackie, the tutorial tutor," Maya replied. "He just came briefly to tell Jackie something and he walked away," she added.

"like.......Maya do you understand the topic that was treated after he left?" Stella teased, knowing full well Maya's distraction.

"Don't mind us, we are the delulu fans 😁, if you're not delulu, you'll hate us," I joked, knowing that our obsession with fictional characters was a source of amusement for others.

"Understand my foot! I was just picturing him throughout," Maya confessed, earning a round of laughter from the group.

"Same here. Don't worry guys, Hailey will teach us again," Nora chimed in, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Thank God we have a brilliant friend with us," Nora added, teasing me about my academic prowess.

"I won't waste my strength on you," I replied, giving her a playful glare. "Is there a tutorial tomorrow? Sunday?" I asked, eager to plan my schedule around the possibility of seeing this mysterious man again.

"Of course, join us to see Ace 🤭, I pray he also come," Nora and Stella replied, their excitement contagious.

"Exactly what I want to do. And I swear if he doesn't look like my dream man, I'll kill you," I joked, teasing them about their exaggerated admiration for this unknown man.

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