Chapter 22

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Corporate Shadows


The vast expanse of Dubai lay spread out beneath me, the glittering skyline reflecting my own ambition. I wasn’t here for leisure; I had a mission to accomplish. My uncle had been running the Dubai branch of Ryder's Group, but whispers among the shareholders hinted at corruption and illicit activities. My job was to uncover the truth and reclaim what rightfully belonged to my family.

I spent my first few days in Dubai discreetly meeting with key shareholders, listening to their concerns and gathering intelligence. It quickly became apparent that my uncle had been engaging in questionable dealings. Determined to confront him, I arranged a meeting at a high-end restaurant overlooking the Burj Khalifa.

As I entered the restaurant, I spotted my uncle already seated, his face pale with anxiety. I approached with a calm demeanor, masking my contempt.

"Damien," he greeted, forcing a smile. "What brings you to Dubai?"

"Running away from my father," I replied nonchalantly, taking a seat opposite him. His shoulders visibly relaxed, clearly relieved by my response.

"Well, you're always welcome here," he said, attempting to sound sincere. We exchanged pleasantries, but I could see the fear lingering in his eyes.

Little did he know, I had already planted a tracker and a Bluetooth device in his car. My plan was to monitor his movements and intercept any incriminating communications.

A few days later, my patience paid off. I was tailing his car when his phone rang. He let it ring several times, his anxiety evident even from a distance. Finally, he answered.

"You have a day left," a menacing voice growled over the phone. "You'll be dead if you don't have my money."

My uncle's voice trembled. "I... I have something far better than money. Something that can make a fortune."

"Tell me about it," the unknown man demanded.

I strained to hear, my heart pounding. "It's the new version of the Xiaomi user interface," my uncle confessed. I clenched my fists in anger. He was planning to betray us by selling our unreleased work to settle his debts.

Determined to thwart his plan, I contacted my old friend, Alex, a skilled hacker. We met in a discreet café to discuss our strategy.

"Alex, I need you to track the conversation and find out who's on the other end," I explained, handing him the details of the Bluetooth device.

Alex nodded, his fingers already tapping away on his laptop. "I'll get on it right away."

The following night, we executed our plan. Disguised in dark clothing, I approached my uncle's house with a team of my most trusted men. The estate was eerily quiet, the dim glow of streetlights casting long shadows. My heart pounded with a mix of adrenaline and anticipation as we moved silently through the property.

My uncle was out for the evening, attending a social event. We had timed our operation perfectly. The team dispersed, each man knowing his role. I entered the house through a side door, which we had already unlocked earlier in the day. The interior was lavish, a testament to the wealth my uncle had amassed, some of it no doubt through his underhanded dealings.

I made my way to his study, the nerve center of his operations. On his mahogany desk lay the original USB containing the sensitive new Xiaomi user interface. With swift, practiced movements, I swapped the USB with an identical-looking replica. This replica wasn’t just a decoy; it was embedded with a potent virus designed to extract and send information from the rival company directly to us.

My breath caught as I heard a noise outside the study. One of my men signaled that the coast was clear, and we resumed our positions. Every step was a calculated risk, but the potential reward was too great to ignore. We moved with precision, ensuring no trace of our presence was left behind.

As we exited the house, I couldn’t help but feel a surge of triumph. The first phase of my plan was complete. Now, it was a matter of waiting for the virus to do its job and for my uncle’s treachery to be exposed.

The next morning, I resumed my position at the company, ready to claim my rightful place as CEO. However, the board members had different views, and a meeting was scheduled to address the leadership.

The meeting was broadcast live, ensuring transparency. I stood confidently before the board, presenting my findings and the evidence of my uncle's treachery.

"Ladies and gentlemen," I began, "I have uncovered a plot by my uncle to sell our unreleased work to settle his personal debts. Last night, I intercepted the transaction and replaced the USB with a virus that will now extract information from our rival."

Gasps of shock and murmurs of disbelief filled the room. My uncle, seated at the end of the table, looked defeated.

"I believe this act of betrayal warrants immediate action," I continued. "I propose a vote of no confidence in my uncle's leadership and request that I be appointed CEO and chairman to restore integrity and trust in our company."

The board members exchanged glances before nodding in agreement. The vote was unanimous. I was officially the new CEO and chairman of Ryder's Group in Dubai.

Later that evening, I returned to my hotel, exhausted but triumphant. As I sat on the balcony, the city lights twinkling below, my thoughts drifted to Julianna. I needed to clear my name and explain everything to her. I picked up my phone, contemplating whether to call her.

But for now, I had a company to run and a legacy to rebuild. The battle was far from over, and I was prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

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