Chapter 33

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The Dream


I was on my way to the coffee shop, hoping to catch a break from the relentless chaos that had become my life. The warm morning sun bathed the streets in a golden glow as I walked, lost in thought. Suddenly, in the crowd, I caught sight of her.

"Julianna!" I called out, my voice filled with a mix of surprise and desperation.

She froze, her eyes widening as they locked onto mine. I could see her chest rising and falling rapidly, her breath quickening. She seemed almost paralyzed, as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing. My steps quickened, closing the distance between us.

“Hey Julianna! I... I know you’re not expecting to see me,” I said, my voice filled with remorse.

She stood there, silent, her eyes wide and filled with a mixture of shock and disbelief. I could see the sweat starting to bead on her forehead, her entire body tense. Without thinking, I reached out and gently lifted her chin, my fingers grazing her soft skin. I waved my hand in front of her face, trying to bring her back from the trance she seemed to be in.

Finally, she blinked and cleared her throat. “How… how are you?” she stammered, obviously struggling for words.

“I’m... I’m okay. Can we talk? Let’s go to the coffee shop,” I suggested, hoping she would agree.

Her expression was reluctant, but she nodded, and we walked together to the nearby coffee shop. The atmosphere was warm and inviting, with the rich aroma of coffee beans filling the air. We found a quiet corner and sat down. I could see the hesitation in her eyes, the way she kept glancing around as if looking for an escape route.

“Julianna, I need to explain,” I began, my voice earnest. “I swear I didn’t know about your father’s death. I’m still trying to find out who was really behind it. I promise you, I will find the culprit.”

She didn’t say anything at first, just sat there with tears streaming down her face. Her shoulders were shaking, and she looked so lost and vulnerable.

“I... I don’t know what to think anymore,” she finally managed to say, her voice breaking. “Part of me doesn’t want to believe you did it, but... the facts, Damien. You got out of prison without solid proof. It just makes it all look worse.”

I reached across the table, taking her hand in mine. “Julianna, please. I need you to believe me. I would never hurt you or your family.”

She shook her head, still crying. The eyes of the other patrons were on us, their whispers buzzing in the background. I knew I needed to get her out of there, away from the prying eyes. I quickly called my driver, and within minutes, he arrived with my cream Bentley.

“Let me drive,” I told the driver, who handed me the keys and stepped out. I opened the passenger door for Julianna, and she got in without a word.

As we drove, the tension between us was palpable. She was crying quietly beside me, her breath hitching every so often. I reached out and gently touched her arm.

“I missed you, Julianna. I really do,” she sobbed, looking at me with those beautiful, tear-filled eyes.

“I missed you too,” I admitted, my heart aching at the sight of her pain. I wanted to pull over and hold her, but I had to keep driving.

I stared at Julianna, my eyes dark with desire. I wanted to devour her, to pull her into me and never let go, but I held back, just kept staring, creating a tense and awkward moment. Her eyes flickered with uncertainty and anticipation, her breaths coming faster.

"Just kiss me already," she finally whispered, her voice trembling with need.

That was all the invitation I needed. I closed the gap between us and kissed her deeply. My lips were firm and demanding, and she melted into me, her hands moving to my chest, rubbing and caressing. "I missed you," she murmured between kisses, her voice filled with longing. "I missed your touch so much."

I groaned in response, the sound vibrating through both of us, making her shiver. My hands roamed over her body, pulling her closer, as if I couldn't get enough of her. The kiss deepened, becoming more urgent, more consuming, each touch reigniting the passion we had once shared.

When we finally got home and I pulled over, Julianna was cum mess but before she could try to clean the mess, I pulled her out of the passenger seat and carried her into the bedroom in my house where we've shared sweet memories. I put her down and pulled her by her hair and laid her face down into the couch cushions.

“I was gonna try my best not to ruin you today, but you tempted me in the car, so you’re gonna have to feel me better,” I said to her as I unbuttoned my trousers.

Julianna was already biting her lips and stripping herself, obviously missing me. “Spread those legs wide,” I said, my tone making it clear it wasn’t a suggestion but an order. And just like the obedient girl she’s always been, she quickly did as I said. My hungry gaze roamed her body as I groaned.

“Boss! Boss!” I heard a voice, not sure where it was coming from.

Everything turned out to be a dream, and I was pained knowing it couldn’t happen like that in reality. I sat for a while, thinking about the dream, feeling the ache of unfulfilled desires.

“I’ve got news on Jack and Julianna,” my man said, but I really wasn’t interested at that moment. I told him to come back later, just to dismiss him.

As he left, I glanced down and noticed I had cum into my trousers. I couldn't believe my eyes. I thought I had become stronger, more in control, but just a dream about Julianna had broken my steeze. The reality of it all hit me hard.

I leaned back in my chair, closing my eyes and trying to push the lingering images of the dream out of my mind. The way Julianna looked at me, the way she responded to my touch—it all felt so real. I could still feel the ghost of her presence, the way her body fit perfectly against mine. It was maddening.

I shook my head, trying to focus. I had to get my mind off her. But the more I tried, the more her face appeared, her voice echoed in my ears, and her scent lingered in my nostrils. I was drowning in memories and desires I couldn't fulfill.

Finally, I stood up and headed to the bathroom to clean up. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I realized just how deeply Julianna still affected me. No matter how much I tried to move on, she was always there, haunting my thoughts and dreams.

I splashed water on my face, hoping to clear my head. But as I looked into my own eyes, I knew the truth. Julianna was more than just a memory or a dream. She was a part of me, a part I couldn't escape, no matter how hard I tried. And that realization made me ache even more.

I sighed heavily, running a hand through my hair. I had to find a way to deal with this, to face the reality of my feelings for Julianna. Ignoring them, suppressing them, only made things worse. I needed to confront them head-on, to find some way to either move on or... or win her back.

But how? The thought of her with Jack gnawed at me. I needed to find out what was really going on between them. Maybe that would give me the clarity I needed.

With that resolve, I straightened up and prepared myself to face whatever news my man had about Julianna and Jack. I couldn't let this torment continue. It was time to act, to fight for what I wanted, for who I loved. Even if it meant facing painful truths and difficult choices.

As I left the bathroom, I called my man back. "Tell me everything you know about Jack and Julianna," I said, my voice steady and determined.

It was time to face reality.

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