Chapter 23

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Power Play


"Don't!" The voice was urgent, almost breathless, as the man burst into the room. He barely paused to catch his breath, his eyes wide with alarm. "Don't insert that USB drive!"

Jack's hand froze, mere inches from the USB port. He looked up, his eyes narrowing at the interruption. "What?" he demanded, his voice a deep, irritated growl.

"Don't you see the headline news?" the man insisted, thrusting his phone into Jack's line of sight. Jack snatched the phone and scanned the screen. The headline was impossible to miss: "Damien Ryder Appointed CEO."

Jack's face contorted with frustration. "You're dismissed!" he barked, shoving the phone back at the man and turning his attention back to the USB drive. He inserted it with a sharp click, his mind set on his plan to undermine Damien Ryder. But the screen flashed to life with a message that made his blood run cold. "FUCK YOU, MAN!" the words screamed at him, accompanied by a mocking clown face.


Across town, Damien Ryder's phone buzzed. He glanced at the screen and saw his tech friend's name. Answering it, he couldn't hide the smirk that crept across his face. "Seems the person has fallen for the trap," he said, his voice laced with satisfaction.

His friend chuckled on the other end. "Sure! I almost thought we'd fucked up since you exposed the plan in that live meeting. But it worked."

"Good work," Damien replied. "Send me those details."

"They're already in your inbox," his friend confirmed before ending the call.

Damien opened his email, his eyes scanning the information quickly. A familiar name jumped out at him: Jack. His half-brother. Damien's smile widened. He had suspected Jack might be involved, but now he had proof. However, something else caught his eye. "Why is he booking a flight to America?" Damien muttered to himself, his mind racing. "Is my dad in contact with him?"

He didn't waste any time. "Keep a close eye on Jack," he instructed his security team. "I want to know his every move."


The next day, Damien Ryder walked into the Xiaomi headquarters with a purpose. His first official act as CEO and chairman was to address the company’s embezzlement issues. By the end of the day, he had successfully retrieved $300 million that had been siphoned away. He didn't stop there. Damien systematically removed his father's most trusted allies, severing the old guard’s influence and solidifying his control. His next step was to hire new, young talent to breathe fresh life into the company.

Among the positions to be filled was his personal assistant. Damien had scheduled interviews with several candidates, but only one stood out.


The interview room was sleek and modern, designed to intimidate and impress. Damien sat behind a large, polished desk, his presence commanding even in silence. The candidates had come and gone, most of them failing to make any significant impression.

Then came Janet. She walked in with a confidence that bordered on arrogance, but there was something about her demeanor that intrigued Damien. She wore a crisp, tailored suit, and her eyes met his without hesitation.

"Janet, is it?" Damien said, glancing at her resume.

"Yes, Mr. Ryder," she replied, her voice steady.

"Tell me why you think you would be the right fit for this position," Damien asked, leaning back in his chair.

Janet didn't miss a beat. "I have a background in corporate management and tech innovation, which aligns well with the strategic direction you're taking Xiaomi. I'm efficient, organized, and I thrive in high-pressure environments. Moreover, I understand the nuances of working in a dynamic and transformative company."

Damien raised an eyebrow. "And what makes you think you can handle the complexities of this role?"

"I’ve done my homework," Janet said, a slight smile playing on her lips. "I know about the recent changes, the recovery of the embezzled funds, and the restructuring you're implementing. I also know about the pressures you’re facing, both from internal and external sources. I can help you manage these challenges, streamline operations, and ensure that your vision for the company is realized."

Damien studied her for a moment, impressed by her preparedness and poise. "What’s your take on loyalty?" he asked, his tone suddenly serious.

"Loyalty is earned, Mr. Ryder," Janet replied. "But once it’s given, it’s unwavering. I believe in commitment to the role, the company, and to you as my employer. I think you’ll find that I’m both capable and trustworthy."

Damien nodded slowly. "Alright, Janet. You’ve made an impression. You’ll start on Monday."

Janet's composure didn't falter. "Thank you, Mr. Ryder. I look forward to proving myself."

As she left the room, Damien couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. Janet was precisely the kind of sharp, resilient individual he needed by his side. His father's shadow loomed large, but with the right team, Damien was confident he could lead Xiaomi into a new era.

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