It Wasn't Me, Who Started It!!!

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Jungkook's POV
I was cooking breakfast. Well, Just some toast with egg and spam. I was cooking, suddenly a strong and muscular arms were wrapped around my waist. I giggled knowing who it was. It was my husband, Park Jimin.

Well, He's a CEO of Park Corporations. He's well know for his Mean, Sassy and Cold personality. But, He's such a cute guy... Only for me.

I turned back and saw him fully dressed up.

You have already got fully dressed up

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You have already got fully dressed up.
I said and giggled.

Bubba, I'll miss you... He said and hugged me. I giggled and lightly slapped his shoulder.

Well, I won't. You're always so clingy...
I said. He looked at me like 😤

Ok go. I won't talk to you. He said and was about to leave but, I back hugged him tightly. He chuckled and kissed my nose softly. 

After finishing our breakfast, I was about to go to our bedroom to get changed.... But he pulled me towards him and placed me on his lap. We  almost kissed, suddenly his phone ringed. He got completely pissed and attended the call.



I won't be....


What about Kookie...?

Are you even serious!?

Better call Taehyung or Yoongi or Jhope or Someone!



Fvck off!!

He was talking to the caller. More like, yelling. But, why..? He cutted his call and looked at me with a angry and annoyed face. I tilted my head a little and looked at him dumbfounded..

He rolled his eyes and kissed me hungrily. HUH!? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH HIM!!!????

Baby... That stupid uncle of mine is coming to my office, saying that he was missing me
.... He said making me go all shocked to even react.

Wh-Who told you this..?  I asked.

Well... My dad did. He said.

Are you serious..? I asked with a frown.

What..? He asked confusedly.

Which human would even use the word 'fuck' to their own father!? I asked

Well, I would!  He said.

Then you're not a human! I said.

He rolled his eyes and lightly pushed me away from his lap. I pouted and got up. He got up too and left without saying even a Goodbye... I was about leave suddenly, he ran to and pecked my lips and ran away while smiling.

I giggled and went to take bath.

After a warm shower, I changed my outfit...

I was chatting with Taehyung and suddenly, the door bell rang

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I was chatting with Taehyung and suddenly, the door bell rang. My eyes widen...

With a banging heart, I slowly opened the door and saw no one. I was about to close the door and suddenly Taehyung yelled and jumped in front out of nowhere.

I giggled and opened the door wide for him to enter. He entered and we both hugged each other. We then, headed to the couch and began to search for some good movies...

We both were talking and laughing. Suddenly, Taetae said a thing that made me blush like Hell...

Kookie, Why is there a dark red mark on your neck and jawline..? Wild night uh..? He asked making me blush like Hell.

Nuuu!!!! He was just... I didn't even finish my sentence and Taetae gave me a 😏 look.

Ok, Ok!! We did it... And was rough and hard like always... I said.

Kookie.... Can you tell me Jimin's size..? I mean... His length height... He asked making me go red as tomato...

I sighed. Even if I didn't tell also, he'll kill me by giving me that wierd looks...

I don't know exactly... But, I guess it'll be a 18 to 20... I think even more bigger than that. Let's keep it as 22...  I said shamelessly.

WOW!!!! Yoongi's is 13 and Hobi's is 12... You're a so lucky kookie... He said with a pout.

Do you even know, how much it'll hurt!? Atleast, Yoongi and Jhope hyungs will leave you if you don't want! But that guy Jimin!... He'll not leave me, no matter what! Even if I'm on my periods, he won't!  I lightly yelled at Taehyung.

My focus again went to the TV. The next second Taehyung nudged my arms, but I ignored him. He kept doing it and I got pissed. I furiously turned my head to the direction he was seeing and regretted my life...

I saw Jimin, Yoongi and Jhope standing there with arms crossed over their chest. I looked at Taehyung and he looked at me. We both gulped looking at each other.

AAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DON'T!!!!!!!! AAAHHHHHH!!!! IT WASN'T EVEN ME WHO STARTED IT!!!!!!!!!!! JIMIN LISTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I screamed horribly.

Jimin just ignored all my begs and thrusted into he in a even more horrible way, breaking the bed senselessly.... Oh BLOODY F*CKING TAEHYUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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