🔞 YOU WHAT!? 🔞

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Jimin's POV
I laughed mockingly at the dumb nerdie, who was tripped by my leg and fell down.

Haha! See ya Bitch!~ I said and walked away leaving him with teary eyes.

I've even done things to him which are beyond limits, but he never opens his mouth. I haven't even heard his voice before. I don't even know how his voice will be... Scared rat...

When I walked inside the corridor to my class, all the girls looked at me and started screaming. Bitches everywhere. I just rolled my eyes and walked to my class and sat on the LAST bench.

After few mins, Jungkook... I mean the Nerdie entered the class.

( Imagine JK keeping a scared face )

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( Imagine JK keeping a scared face )

I chuckled secretly when he looked at me and widened his eyes. He quickly turned to another side and sat straight in front of me.

I got up from my seat, walked to him and took him in arms (lifted him up like a koala), returned to back bench and placed him beside me.

He looked down all the time. I suddenly, noticed something odd. I saw a purple mark in hand, like a bruise. I touched it and looked at me with agony in his eyes but, he didn't even make a slight noise.

After the class was over he ran away like he saw some kind of ghost.

Jungkook's POV
After the class was over I ran to my locker and kept my books inside it. Suddenly, someone pushed me harshly on the floor. I hissed, which wasn't even  audible. Well, I'm a mute. Even when someone talks to me politely, I would walk away. People think I'm rude, but I actually don't want them to bully me even more after knowing I'm a mute.

The one who pushed me was Jimin's girlfriend, Leena. I actually love Jimin SOO much. But, my fate he hates me like Hell... Even my parents hate me for being a mute....

Hey Bitch! How dare you touch my boyfriend!? You wh0re!! She yelled at me

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Hey Bitch! How dare you touch my boyfriend!? You wh0re!! She yelled at me

I just looked down and didn't even utter a single word. Suddenly, an HARD SLAP was applied on my right cheek.

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