🐰 My Little Space Boyfriend 🐰

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Jimin's POV
I was sleeping peacefully but suddenly, I felt like someone shaking my body. I kept sleeping ignoring the disturbance, and I heard my baby crying. I opened my eyes immediately only to see my Baby Husband crying badly with hiccups...

Bubba... What happened...? I asked him and placed him on my lap.

Dwadda... Do-Doshn't lowb mwe... Yo-youw dwi-dwidn't wawke uwp, whwen Kwookwie cwallwed ywou.. He said between his cries.

I shaked my head at his cuteness and kissed his cheek. He looked at me with a pout and glassy eyes. HE'S HELLA CUTE!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE MY BUNNY !!!!!!!!!

No, Baby... Dadda was just tired. Today, Taetae won't come here as he has work. So you'll come with Dadda. Okay, Bubba? I asked.

He nodded his head vigorously. I chuckled and kissed him on his lips and we both went to bathroom.

Author's POV

Park Jimin

• As usual, Mafia King, Jungkook's Husband 👍• Cold to everyone except his husband, Rude, Sharp minded person, Focused on everything, Daret  to go against him

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• As usual, Mafia King, Jungkook's Husband 👍
• Cold to everyone except his husband, Rude, Sharp minded person, Focused on everything, Daret  to go against him.
• Also takes care of Jeon Enterprises company ( his father-in-law's comp. )

Park Jungkook

• Jimin's baby Husband, Son of CEO of Jeon Enterprises company

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• Jimin's baby Husband, Son of CEO of Jeon Enterprises company.
• Baby, Childish, Cheerful, Understands everything really quick, Dadda's cute but BIG troublemaker, Stubborn, Cries for everything, Always babbles to Jimin.
• College 1st year. Science student. But class 1st in grades.

Jimin's POV
We both came out of the bathroom after getting freshed up. I took a cute outfit for Kookie and made him wore it.

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