Vaccination For His Baby... (pt2)

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Jungkook's POV
How can he betray me like that!? He told me that, it's for him... That too, the way he held me tightly by my waist hurted me sooo much. I felt like getting abused... I'll never talk to him! He's a Baddie! A Culprit! A Liar!

Author: Kookie, He loves yo-

Jk: Leave before I kill you!

Author: Huh!? Fine...

Jimin's POV
It's already lunch time. My mom made Kimchi pancakes, Chicken noodles, some Waffles with Vanilla Ice cream, Brownies. Most of them were sweets...

I went upstairs and saw, Jungkook cutely sleeping with a pout. I took a deep breath and slightly shaked his body...

Kookie... Bubba, wake up... Eat lunch and then sleep... Come on... I said and lifted him a little but, he pushed me away. I didn't even look at me and went down. Why...? All I did was to care for him... It's okay! He's still a baby...

I too walked down and sat beside him. He quickly stood up and sat beside my mom, who was sitting in the opposite chair... She looked at me with a
'I feel sorry for you' face.

Jungkook always eats when only I feed him. But this time, my mom fed him and he ate without complaining... Even though she is my mom, I feel soooooooo jealous... I miss the way he calls me Dadda.... Kookie...

After finishing his lunch, He went and sat on the couch quietly and started to play with his teddy...

After finishing his lunch, He went and sat on the couch quietly and started to play with his teddy

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I sat beside him with a distance between us and started to work on my laptop. Soon, I heard cute little muffles and snores... I looked at Kookie, who was sleeping peacefully while curled up into a ball. I chuckled and carefully picked him up. I went to our room and gently placed him on the bed.

Hhhmmpp... He whined... I kissed his head and walked out. I went down again.

Where is Kookie..? My mom asked.

Sleeping.... I said sadly.

She gently rubbed my back and went from there... I sighed and went to my Basement....

I went down and saw a that the b!tch was laying on the floor with blood all over her body

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I went down and saw a that the b!tch was laying on the floor with blood all over her body... What's her name...? Ah! Tzusu! The one that bullied my baby...

I took a boiling water from the heater stand and poured it on her. She screamed and woke up....

See, who has decided to wake up from their precious sleep... I said.

I was clearly able to terrible fear in her eyes. I smirked and went near her, making her go back back in horror...

🔞🔞🔞 Torture Content🔞🔞🔞

I took out my knife and slightly cutted her hand and took the chilli powder box and took some in my hand. I went near her and rubbed it in her cutted area. She screamed in pain.

I took out the boiling water and poured it in the same area making her feel Hell. Haha! Soo fun! I took out my knife and inserted it in her h0le... He screamed in pain. I started to thrust hardly with the knife, making it bleed like hell. I took the knife out and took the boiling water and poured it straight into her h0le.

Why is he ignoring me!? Why!? WHY!? WHY!? WHY!? WHY!? WHY!?
I sat on top of her and started to stab her continuously. She died... Aahh! She's no fun! I stood up and kicked her body to the next room, where there are hungry hyenas. I kicked her body inside that room. Once those 7 hyenas saw me, they didn't even make a single noise and sat still in their place.

Go on... I said and walked out. The next second, I heard sounds like Skin being pulled off, chewing, biting, cracking of bones...


I walked up to my room secretly and saw Jungkook still sleeping. I walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower.

When I came back, I saw Jungkook sitting on the bed, rubbing his eyes cutely... I smiled and went near him. He saw me and the next second, he got up from the bed and was about to leave, but I back hugged him tightly.

He tried to push me off, but I held him tightly.

Bubbloo, Why're you ignoring me..? I asked softly.

Le-Lweave mwe!! He said and tried to push me off. Time to start my plan!!!

Fine... Hereafter, I won't show up in front of. This will be your last time seeing me... I said sadly. He looked at me with scared doe eyes... AAAWWWW

Hhh... Mmhh..? He wasn't even able to speak...

I quickly changed my outfit...

I quickly changed my outfit

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Bye... I said and was about to walk out. But, he held my hand. I smirked secretly.... My plan worked... Poor Jk...

Wh-Whwen will ywou cwome bwack...? He asked innocently.

I won't come back. You don't love your Dadda, right..? I asked sadly.

Hhmmppp..? He wasn't even able to speak anything, due to the shock...

What..? Leave me... I said and gently removed my hand from his hold.

Dwadda!!! He whined.

What..? You don't love me, ri- Before I could finish my sentence, He kissed me on my lips.

I smiled and kissed him back passionately. I took him in my arms and kissed him. He pulled back and looked at me teary eyes...

Awre ywou lweavwing...? He asked.

No, Baby... I said while chuckling. He smiled like a bunny. I cooed at him and kissed him once again. I took him up and laid him on the bed and I laid on top of him and we kissed softly....

I love you, Bubba I said.

I lob you too, Dwadda!!! He said while flashing his bunny smile. I smiled and kissed him happily.


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