Chapter 9: The End

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•• CAFJ Base, Daidar Plains, Principality Of Qua-Toyne ••

Hours have passed since the Lourian delegation arrived at the gates of the CAFJ camp in Daidar Plains, as such the representatives from Qua-Toyne, Quila, and Japan. But of course, it is not just them: various news outlets from all over the Third Civilization and even the Second and First Civilization reporters were sent to cover the signing of the treaty that will end the war in Rodenius.

Despite being divided into zones, the New World is tattered by huge networks of media, with one of the largest and most powerful being the Mirishial World Inquiry based in the Holy Mirishial Empire. Through their high magic and an already formed network of mana broadcasting sites all over the zones, news can basically travel at mere days, or even hours. The war in Rodenius was since then being watchfully observed by many nations far west of Japan, although the nation was pretty much unaware of such things. Despite that, the magic-based media community did not capture a real glimpse of Japan's firepower during the conflict.

"Alright, we are now assembled. We must now begin the signing of the treaty."

Inside the complex of the base, the headquarters brimmed with the noise of reporters, journalists, and military personnel pressing questions and the latter trying to contain the influx of media personnel.

Gathered to the chamber are the representatives of Qua-Toyne, Quila, Japan, and Louria. Japan is represented by Commander Noto and Colonel Kuze, who just arrived some days prior to the Phase 2 of Operation Arrow with a combined arms regiment. Qua-Toyne is represented by General Nou, while Quila is represented by one of their military commanders. Flashes of camera - both mechanical and magic-powered ones riddled the faces of the officials facing each other from the long desk.

"Let us begin.", Noto said. Patgene's face paled. What could be the terms of the treaty? Could it be that Louria will be partitioned? And since Hark-Louria 34th is already dead, the fate of the nation is very much uncertain. He then sipped in air to speak. "We, the Kingdom Of Louria, is here for the signing of the treaty to end the conflict in the continent."

Noto nodded, laying down the terms to the Lourian general printed in the A4-size document. "We have the terms for the cessation of hostilities."

Patgene is surprised by the quality of the material where the document is imprinted. Is Japan really this powerful? He took his time reading the document, and as he went, the terms became more and more... confusing.

• Louria must cease operations near the border of Qua-Toyne and Quila to ensure that no hostilities will form among the parties involved.

• The army of Louria must be reduced to only 30,000 troops for security duties.

• A provisional government will be allowed to take over the vacant position of the ruler.

• A full compensation for the family of the deceased combatants must be paid by the provisional government.

• All military officers involved in any of crimes committed against prisoners of war (if, there will be any) must be punished for their conduct.

Although the terms did mentioned the reduction of forces, Patgene is mostly surprised on how the treaty did not mention Louria getting partitioned among the three allied countries. Another thing that bothers him is the trial of officers involved in any crime against hostile forces. Truth be told, some of the high-ranking generals are already missing ever since the Japanese attack on the Subjugation Fleet and the border troops happened. General Adem went missing even before that. But nevertheless, the terms of the treaty is more than feasisble.

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