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Note: Some events from the real timeline of World War 2 might be displaced due to the fact that this is set in an alternate reality. Please forgive me for some inaccuracies.


• Sino-Japanese War starts; major influx of resources diverted to the war in Mainland China


• Soviet Union secretly sends support to China to aid in the defense and eventual counteroffensive. Diplomacy between Japan and the USSR quickly soured.


• Hitler declares war against Poland; Poland occupied by Germany and Soviet Union. The Battle Of Nomonhan ended in failure which made Japan strike a peace deal with the Soviets.


• Battle Of Britain; France occupied, major fall of European control. Soviet troops started appearing in the frontlines of mainland China.


• Pearl Harbor attack cripples US Navy for 6 months. Major Japanese attacks happened all over Asia, taking Philippines and the Indonesian Islands, along with French Indochina.


• British Eastern Fleet Crippled during the IJN raid on Ceylon.

• Battle of Coral Sea. During the Battle, Lexington survived the onslaught, instead taking down Shōkaku as the first capital ship lost by Japan during the war.

• The Battle Of Midway crippled the Japanese naval air power in the Pacific. Chuichi Nagumo was killed when Akagi was hit by dive bombers. Meanwhile, the war in China is spiraling against the Japanese forces, bogging down the progress.


• Japanese forces were annihilated by the US during the Guadalcanal Campaign.

• During a supposed inspection in the Solomon Islands, Isoroku Yamamoto's plane and escorts were attacked by US fighters. Only by luck he survived the crash.


• Successive island hopping campaigns led to Japanese naval forces getting reduced along with its air fleets. Air raids now frequently hit Japanese homeland.

June 18, 1944:

• Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, along with Jisaburo Ozawa and other Navy and Army officers staged a coup against the Tojō cabinet. Imperial Navy and Army troops surrounded the Supreme War Council Headquarters in hopes of capturing Tojō.

June 19, 1944:

• Hirohito was forced to surrender and agree to a peace deal with Americans, involving the full withdrawal and repatriation of invaded territories. Later, Tojō was arrested at his house.

August 3, 1944:

• Isoroku Yamamoto was appointed as Prime Minister of the interim government, managing the repatriation of damages and withdrawal of all troops. Jisaburo Ozawa was appointed Minister Of Defense.

• The Imperial Japanese Army and Navy suffered crippling blows but was left with a handful of assets, while maintaining a close supervision by the United States (who also came to supervise Japan).

• Japan's economy crumbled.

• As another form of compensation, Yamamoto sent a naval task force to Europe to help with the campaign against Nazis. Yamashiro and other ships, including Yahagi, was sunk by Fritz X guided bombs.

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