Chapter 12: Playing With Diplomacy

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A new dawn is set for Japan as new ties were formed.


•• Ainank Airport, Mu ••

Propellers spun and roared in power, as mighty aircrafts rolled into the runway of Mu's Ainank Airport, shared by both civilian and military operators. Parked near the hangars and the kilometer-long runway are single-engined fighters of the Royal Mu Air Force along with transports, with large four-engined passenger planes visible on the background.

"Heh... the diplomats came here through ship, what reason for them to meet up here in Ainank?"

A black car drove past the gates of the airport, before a man of tall and fait stature in his scarf exited, seemingly curious as he looked around. He is Myrus Leclerc, an officer of the Mu Royal Armed Forces, sent to meet the Japanese diplomats. He himself is well-versed in the countries surrounding his homeland, already concerned by the growing Gra Valkas Empire just west of them who recently invaded and successfully brought down Leifor some years ago, turning it into a puppet state of some sort.

But he never heard of a country named Japan, only hearing its name through the Mirishial Inquiry in its successful war against Louria, possessing weapons of wonder rumored to be similar to the dreaded Ancient Sorcerous Empire. It made him even more curious, and was quite delighted to be chosen to be the one who will receive thei delegates.

Myrus kept pondering until the sound of propellers cutting through the air at unbelievable speeds reached his ears, growing louder followed by a gradually increasing gust of wind that threw dust and particles, making him cling upon his scarf. "Hm?", he looked up, and his eyes widened in shock. "What the- what kind of aircraft is that!?", he exclaimed. Bearing a red circle over its white body, the aircraft with a large propeller atop it and another in its tail hovered above the airport before slowly landing. Myrus couldn't help but stare in amazement.

'What kind of aircraft is this? What the hell, the air force is still researching gyrocopter technology, the ones that looked like dragonflies! How did Japan, an unknown nation managed to develop such a marvelous technology without the help of superpowers!?'

His mind raced over the matter. The sliding doors of JMSF's SH-60J Seahawk helicopter opened as two men dressed in dark trench coats exited and stepped down, the fabric of their clothes harshly getting blown by the gust. They walked towards Myrus, wearing a smile. "We are the diplomats sent by Japan! Are you perhaps Technical Officer Myrus??", one of the diplomats saidm shouting due to the noise of the rotorblades. Myrus nodded. "Yes!! I am Myrus, Myrus Leclerc! What kind of aircraft is that!!", is the first thing that the Muish man asked. "I'm Norisuke, and this is my partner, Ishida! That's called a helicopter, I'll spare you the details for now!", the man replied before shaking hands with Myrus, the noise of the propellers subsiding. Soon enough, a flock of airport engineers, personnel, and some bystanders surrounded the aircraft, amazed by its futuristic look.

"I've never heard your country before, where is your homeland located?", Myrus curiously asked as they were escorted around the confines of the airport, with the two marvelling at the antique planes parked around the runway - at least in terms of their technology. "Ahh- it's a very complicated story, Sir Myrus, but we're on the Outer Civilization Area, near Rodenius... oh hey, is that a Hurricane!?", a voice of excitement suddenly exited from Ishida, whose eyes glanced upon the line of propeller-driven planes painted in blue and green camouflage. He hurried and seemingly posed for a picture, evident by the flash of their small rectangular gadgets. "Uhh- those are the fighter planes of our Air Force...", Myrus said, quite surprised at their reaction.

He's expecting them to be shocked and amazed by the sight of their fighter plane, but to his surprise, the Japanese diplomats seemed to be more delighted, as if they saw a toy. "Ahh, they look like Hawker Hurricanes, fighter planes used by one of the countries in our former world some 80 years ago!"

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