Chapter 5: Typhoon Of Steel 2

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The battle for Rodenius has now begun.


The ships had come into a standstill, with only the waves of the seas making them move afloat. No one is making a move forward, or should they even make a provocation. Everyone aboard the Lourian ships were terrified at how powerful the Japanese vessel is, having easily sunk a handful of their warships with just a single blow. Sharkun's eyes locked upon the Japanese ship, sitting still in the water 15 kilometers away. To think, such a distance will be impossible to strike targets, and not even the Parpaldia Empire can do such a feat.

But, does that mean Japan is far more powerful than the Superpower of the Third Civilization? The realization made Sharkun's heart pound hard.

"Japan... what have you brought!?", he furiously shouted, even though he won't be heard. The strange-looking cannon-like contraption aimed still at his fleet that has covered the waters, as if it has its own mind. If a single ship can inflict such a damage, what more if the ship slammed all of its might? Retreat comes to his mind, but no! He'll be executed if he backed down.

And so, it's time to call for reinforcements.

Sharkun went down from the bow of his ship. "Comms operator, contact Jin-Hark, we're requesting wyvern support!", he ordered. The communications operator aboard his ship took the order, and relayed the request with his manacomm device. If they bring the battle into a mere standstill, then nothing will happen, or worse, it might even impede their advance to Rodenius.

No matter what happens, Sharkun must break it.

Far away from the naval action, the Wyvern Headquarters of Jin-Hark sprung into life as men in armor and huge winged beasts of dragonlike appearance hurried into the paved airstrip to take off. It was a big base, as such, it holds the main air fleet of Louria's best aerial assets - wyverns, winged dragons that can shoot out fireballs from their mouths.

The commander overlooked the situation, as some wyverns started to take off, their large reptilian wings flapping into the air, making them sweep forward like arrows. "Sir, how many are we sending in?", one of his officers asked. "150. That must finish the battle quickly."

"Eh? Wouldn't that be too many?", the young officer voiced his concern, with the commander just chuckling. "The enemy flagship of this country called Japan decided to join the battle on the wrong side. We must show them our true strength to teach them a lesson."

A massive formation of wyverns flew overhead the base and darted to the skies, ready to destroy their unknown enemy.

• • • • •

Inside the CIC of Mirai, crew members waited silently for any movements, their attention glued on their stations. It seemed like the standstill will last for an eternity, until the air search radar detected what seemed to be a swarm approaching them.

"Unidentified objects approaching at 150 kilomers, bearing 2-8-7! They're- oh God...", sweat ran down from the forehead of the radar operator. "How many are they?", Kaita asked, standing up from his chair. The operator gulped, the radar display filled with dots that it occupied a huge portion of the screen. "1-150, sir...", the operator replied. No doubt, they finally sent their wyvern force to overwhelm them, although it is something that Kaita must not allow. He then made heaved a heavy sigh. "They have signed their death certificates. Initiate anti-air combat!" Given the distance of the approaching targets, Mirai's best weapon to deal with is the RIM-66 SM-2 Block III ship-to-air missiles, being able to hit targets more than 100 kilometers away.

The fire control system finished calibrating the launch sequence and the targets to be first hit. "Initiating anti-air combat! Preparing to launch SM-2ERs! Standby... launching missiles!!", the weapons operator managing the launch of the SAMs reported through his mouthpiece. Outside the ship, the aft and stern Mk-41 Vertical Launch System carrying the ordnance opened, revealing the missile stored in the cell.

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