Chapter 7: Operation Arrow 1

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•• 20th Bomber Squadron, skies over Rodenius ••

Two hours have passed since the two B-15C bomber squadrons took off from their home base in Okinawa, the 20-plane formation is now closing to the skies of Gim, overlooking the large Lourian camp just over the Qirijia River. Navigatiom would have been a problem had it been not for the constant surveillance rotations of EC-3s and E-767s from the Maritime and Air Service Forces, as well as satellites and the remnants of the US Far East Command scattered all over the Ryūkyū Islands.

And as of now, they have all potential targets mapped.

With a total of 15,000lbs of bomb load, the B-15s are to hit the enemy camp and other infrastructures, such as the recently-built wyvern airfield that has been causing a lot of problems for Qua-Toyne's small wyvern force.

Just as Umaeda looked at his watch to see the time, their formation has just got close enough to their designated targets.

WSO, we're now at the target. Swan leader to all units, get into positions." Steering his B-15C into attack formation with his wingman, Umaeda radioed at the weapons officer. The other bombers also positioned themselves in attack angle, their bomb bay doors slowly opening as air entered its dimensions, revealing the full set of 40 250lb general-purpose bombs clinging on the racks, with the other 20 attached to the underwing pylons of the aircrafts. Umaeda's radio became filled with replies of affirmation from his pilots, indicating their readiness to the attack.

"Targeting data acquired!", his WSO reported, as his station also displayed the targeting pod's view of the camp down below, giving a high resolution image despite their flight ceiling. "Bombs away!", the WSO radioed, before pressing the key just near him. Soon enough, a rain of steel and doom befell the targets down below. Compared to a bomber aircraft decades ago, modern bombers use sophisticated computerized targeting systems to accurately calculate the distance and angle of the attack instead of bomb sights.


The bombs weakly whistled as they ripped through the air, first heading to the main Lourian camp outside the border of Qua-Toyne.

• • • • •

After the recent failure of the Lourian Navy against Japan, everything is now shifting away from the supposed plan of invasion. Their supposed attack at Gim tomorrow was shifted to next week, much to the dismay of the troops inside the huge complex of the forward operating camp. Now, the Lourian army came to a rest. Tents outside the town were set up, walled by a continuous line of stakes while bonfires and lamps that illuminated the surroundings. Currently, there are about 65,000 troops encamped and a handful of wyverns. It is expected that the bulk of the 150,000 troops will arrive by two days.

"Hey, have you heard of this country named Japan?", one of the soldiers asked, his face illuminated by the campfire.

"Ahh, the one who was threatened by the king? Those bastards stood no chance against us. Hhahahahahaha!!", a knight named Karloman laughed, followed by his men.

"But, aren't they the one who defeated our navy?", another asked with worry, which earned the glare of Karloman and the other soldiers that gathered around to heat themselves. "The navy is just a bunch of pussies! They were defeated by mere barbarians who can't even have a squadron of wyverns.", he said, cackling.


"W-what's that!?"

Their merrymaking was suddenly interrupted by ear-shattering explosions that rang on all directions. Karloman and his men stood up from where they are seated, and so are the other troops who were asleep. As if a creeping death, the ground where they stood suddenly went in a fiery explosion, erasing their very existence to which gave them no time to realize the sheer might of the very country that they just mentioned earlier.

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