Chapter 14: Operation Momotarou 1

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The operation begins.


•• Seas southwest of Topa ••

"Commence launch!"

The scenery of the blue sky reflecting its splendor into the surface of the sea in calm serenity was abruptly interrupted as the flames of war reached the coasts of Topa Kingdom. A burst of flames erupted as arrows covered in a powerful light climbed the skies and arched toward the direction of the kingdom, leaving behind trails of smoke.

Earlier in the morning, the Emergency Deployment Fleet under Operation Momotarou was authorized to attack the 'living being' released by the Demon Lord Nosgorath during the initial stages of the invasion to assess its fighting capabilities. Soon, RGM-109 Tomahawk Land Attack and Anti-ship Cruise Missiles from Akagi and Hiryū were launched from their box launchers and VLS modules respectively. Despite being now 30km away, the trails of Hiryū's missile launch can be faintly seen. It's actually quite the close range for Tomahawk missiles to be fired, most of the sailors thought, as it was designed to strike targets a thousand miles away. Reasoning that Harpoon and Type-90 SSMs carry less powerful warheads, the fleet commander, Takamoto, decided to go ahead with the plan.

It's quite the normal sight for JMSF sailors to witness a Tomahawk launch from their ships every RIMPAC or SINXEX events back into the Earth, but for the Muish fleet sailing five kilometers away from the Japanese ships, it was a sight to behold.

Aboard the bridge of the Royal Mu Navy's Othello-class Battleship Vincent, binoculars were peered and pointed to the direction of their Japanese comrades' vessels, with mouths agape. They have heard of Japan's feats during the Rodenius War, especially with their ships, but they simply dismissed it as plain propaganda and manipulation of the media, but witnessing it now, they gulped and swallowed their falsified belief.

"I- I can't believe it... the rumors of the guided light arrows are true..."

A man in his late fifties adorned in a neat darkened admiral uniform expressed in disbelief, lowering his binoculars and his eyes widened. He is the commander of the expeditionary fleet of Mu, Rear Admiral Felix Sinclair. He never thought that he'll see a much more powerful warship that dwarfed the capabilities of Vincent. "With such a weapon, it is sensible that their ships are only armed with a single cannon...", one of his junior officers noted, his voice shaking from the sight.

Sinclair nodded, his eyes still fixated to the Japanese vessels. "We're still a hundred kilometers from Topa, and yet..."

Sinclair quickly realized that his battleship is no match against a simple destroyer from Japan, as he'll be riddled with hits even from a distance of a hundred kilometers, making him glad that he's on the brighter side of the sun to be allied with such a terrifying nation.

At the same time, over the bridge of Tsugaru, a brief moment of relief engulfed the room, giving some breather for the officers to look around their surroundings. Binoculars were aimed and gazed in all directions, with most towards the Muish ships. Admiral Takamoto himself couldn't hide his amazement over the Muish ships, exiting the room and heading outside for a better view. "Those Muan ships... they certainly looked like something from the Second World War. The escorting destroyers are certainly Fletchers, but what about the battleship...", he wondered, murmuring to himself, before the voice of his officer came about. "Oh- I'm seeing seven turrets! And the mast..."

"What do you think?", Takamoto asked, receiving a quick and enthusiastic reply. "It must be similar to British designs, sir, probably HMS Agincourt, but modernized, it's probably what the ship would look like if it survived the Washington Treaty.", he said, with Takamoto chuckling. "You sure do know a lot about ships, Keizo."

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