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"I believe you should wear this cause you are not going anywhere wearing that " Cameron held out held out tights, a sweater and high top vans. I find it so cute.

"Aw that's cute your over protective but what's wrong with a skirt and shirt"
"The skirt is mid thigh Bells and it's to lose any guy could look up there and the shirt its to tight"

"Ok fine How about I wear the vans the tights and a black v neck" he thought about it and nodded. "Jesus Cameron I'm just going to the mall"
"Still" I put on the clothes and looked at the hair. It was perfect.

"Cam you have to go meet up with Nash to check out apartments"

"I will just give me five more minutes with you" he grabbed my hand and looked at the ring he gave me then smiled.

I gave him a peck. "I have to go" we came out of my room and made our way downstairs to see Tracy and Lauren all dressed up but casual. Which surprised me.

She looked kinda stressed. "Bella I can't take the pill it's to late" she told me quietly. "I mean you can't kill the fetus I guess you'll just have to keep it" I said

"Bells I have to go and good luck Trace" he said and kissed me cheek then left.

"I'm not killing a human maybe I should keep it but I told Devin and he got mad and threw me out"

"Oh the douche bag most guys react like that but then they start thinking about having a child they change and want their child to make make the same mistakes or to not let anyone take control over then. It would be like another chance to make things right." She looked at me and kinda smiled

"Well let's start getting clothes and sport bras and all that stuff" Lauren grab both or hands and made us run to the car.

We entered so many stores and she brought bigger shirts that don't show, tank tops, sweatpants, maxi dresses, sport bras, and panties not thongs.

"Thanks for today but cravings are kicking in" we laughed and went to the food court and went to the Olive Garden. We ordered breadsticks, salads, spaghetti, and chicken Alfredo.

"Me need to go shoe shopping you need sandals cause your feet look swollen therefore we are going to the spa"

"This is probably the best day I have ever had literally better than the parties and the day I was born" we chuckled

"Well I'm glad I'm getting along with all my sisters except Melenie" I said happily

"And 2 problems" she got upset again "what?"
"How am I gonna tell mom and dad"
"We got that handled" Lauren says looking over at me I nodded
"And I don't know how to take care of myself"
"Oh easy you have to eat healthy but if you want a slice of pizza or something it's ok just not all the time. Exercise is good, you cannot stress or it leads to miscarriage, no spicy food, be careful of falling on your back and stomach, and cocoa butter prevents stretch marks"

"What name would you put if it was a girl and boy" Lauren asked clearly interested "a girl I would like Roselyn and boy I would like Christopher"

"I love it" the food came and we immediately started digging in

We finished shoe shopping. And the massages which we did after eating. We are going back home and I just wonder why people are scared to drive with me I'm not that bad.

"I thought I was going to die"
"Ha ha ha and not that bad it's just that people get in my way they are slow drivers"
"You know you should do go cart racing since you like driving so fast" Lauren suggests and gets in the house "well you see I'm not trying to kill myself but thanks I'll think about it" I smirked

1 AND ONLY (Cameron Dallas)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora