The chase

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Cameron's P.o.v
We all turned around and gasped and ran to her touching her hair.
"Guys stop touching" she said moving away from everyone's touch "belle's your hair looks amazing" I complimented while smiling widely
" I thought you were gonna dye your hair green or something" Blake says while squeezing the liquids out of his sister "I'm not that crazy"
"Well.... Uhh you sure ?" Jared added on she gave him a glare and started chasing him as he ran into the bathroom and locked the door we laughed in unison "Jared that was the first place I was gonna head to when I got here" she yelled through the door and banged on it "well you can wait I'm kinda using it now" he yelled back
"I bet your jerking off"
"Bella Jordan Revis! Language" her mom burst "sorry "

Bella's P.o.v
I decided to get Jared later. "Well what now?"
"Time for pizza!" Mash (Matt and Nash) yelled "ewww" I scrunched up my face in disgust "what the hell did that doctor do to you you never say ew to food you love?!" I laughed "she just doesn't want to eat but you guys are gonna help me"
"Woah hold up by guys you mean just Aaron and Shawn right. cause if you mean the others tell me now.
"Aww Bella your to cute I do mean all of us" Cam answered wow this is just nice my own boyfriend is gonna deal with me. This Isn't gonna end well. "We're gonna give you a choice your gonna eat something now or we can just stuff your mouth with food" Carter said trying to make it sound better "no" as simple as that and I ran. "Don't get in trouble please!" The mom yelled. Mothers these days. I heard all of them running after me as I took the stairs. I made it to the bottom but like 3 of them were behind me I made my way to the lobby and the others were there some blocking the bathrooms in the ice cream shop and the small diner. I hid behind a group of girls who didn't notice one of them looked like me I tapped her shoulder "hey can you do me a favor?" She nodded with a smiled
She walked her way towards the front door with a Hoodie on that covered her face. I watched as the guys fell for it "got you" Cameron yelled feeling proud but ostupid the next "oh Damn sorry"
"It's ok" the girl said and left "she used the old trick in the book" Aaron said

I laughed but that shit came out loud. my eyes locked with Nash "she's over there" yelled told them I quickly ran "holy fuck" I whispered to myself

The guys are really close mostly Hayes. oH gosh why did he have to play football. I made a sharp turn expecting them to fall it worked for some of them. I sped up looking back but bumped into a hard chest "oh sorry"
"It's fine" the guy have brown hair, hazel eyes and dressed in black. I ran passed him and ended up on the beach. I was out of breath and my throat was dry I licked my lips and kept speed walking.

And they show up again chasing after me this is just great I'm not even supposed to be running. I bumped into someone else but instantly was pinned to the sand. Jared!.
"Damit Jared" he laughed "nice plan guys"
"Is this the part were you put me in a bag and keep me hostage"
"Well not the bag part but the rest yea just until you eat at least I little bit of cereal or something" Matt says bending down to me. "No assholes"
"There was no need for the names. We would carry you but we're tired."

" you really gonna make me walk to the elevator?"
"Yes" they say in unison and Jared gets off of me. We walk out then walk to the and passed the pool I told Cameron what I was gonna and he took out his phone already opening the vine app.

I went next to Jared and pushed his ass as hard as I can and he fell in head first. The guys dying in the back "Karma's a bitch" I laugh along with them leaning on the wall. Cameron posted it and instantly got likes and revines.
"Man I love you so much" Shawn came up to me "I know you do" I say with a resuring nod.
We made it back to the hotel room were my mom was making something and her eyes turned to us and scanned us she saw Jared and gasped then started laughing "what happened?" And she continued "ask your innocent daughter" she glared at me then smiled laughing again

1 AND ONLY (Cameron Dallas)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora