Chapter 1: Preparations

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The sounds of bull clones moving around echoed throughout the cavern. Y/N ignored it though, watching her brother pace back and forth while tinkering with the gauntlet on his hand.

"What do you think we should say to Father when we see him?" He asked though Y/N knew it was rhetorical since he just kept talking. "Should we act aloof? Or go for a hug? Tell an accomplishment?" He suggested to himself.

Y/N took a sip from the slushie she had picked up on their way there, eyes half-lidded with boredom. She loved her brother, truly she did, but sometimes his rants bothered her. Especially when he made it seem like he wanted her input but kept talking.

"What do you want to do, brother?" She asked, hoping it would help him come to a decision. He looks up at her, a hand raised in the air as if he's about to speak, but he hesitates. He thinks for a moment, lowering his hand.

"W-Well, I was thinking maybe we tell him how we freed him and do a little power demonstration to how we've grown in his absence but- I thought it sounded a bit... Selfish." He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck as small flickers of flames emitted from him, the green color giving away his emotions more than his words ever could.

He and Y/N's hair often shifted color based on emotion. It was annoying when they were younger but the two could mostly control it now by channeling anger to make it go back to red. However, when in the presence of only each other they didn't hide it.

She sighed. "Brother, I can assure you Father will be proud of us no matter what. He and Mother would attack the Jade Emperor if he hurt us. In fact, I think if you lead with that, he'll be impressed." She responded, knowing it was the encouragement he needed to go through with it. Redson often had good ideas, he just always needed a little nudge. Whether that be a nudge to frustrate or encourage depended on Y/N's mood usually.

Redson looks to her again, a more determined expression gracing his features as the flickers die down. "Right. Of course, he would be! We're his children after all!" He boasted, before going back to tinkering with the gauntlet.

Y/N could feel the smallest of smiles reaching its way to her as she looked down at her phone. "Indeed, brother." She muttered. She scrolled on her phone a bit before deciding she wanted to order something to eat. It would take a bit for the Bull Clones to find where the staff was anyway.

"Want anything to eat, brother? I know Mother's favorite by heart but yours tends to change a bit, no?" She asked, lifting her gaze to focus on him again.

Redson pondered the thought before nodding. "Eh, whatever the spiciest thing on the menu is." He answered casually. Y/N nodded placing the order through the website instead of calling, she wasn't fond of interaction with people outside her family or the trusted circle she'd carefully accumulated over the centuries.

After placing the order she got the time it would arrive. 50 minutes or less. Hmph. She doubted that. She'd ordered from the place before and knew the delivery boy was... Well, he was dorky but his speed was lacking. Though his nice apologies usually made up for it. Besides, it's hard not to forgive someone bringing you food.

"Redson, Y/N, come here." Their mother's voice called out. The twins lifted their heads from what they were doing. Before exchanging glances, determined looks on their faces. Before following after.

In the center of a portion of the cavern was where the staff was sealed. A patch of grass with a lovely tree. Y/N honestly thought it looked like a scene that would be cute in a terrarium. But that wasn't why they were here.

"Hmm. Seems preparations are going well, Mother." Y/N comments, going to stand beside her mother while Redson starts ordering Bull clones around.

Princess Iron Fan nods, humming in response. "As I've told your brother many times, patience works wonders. We've waited this long, what's a few more moments?" She stated.

Y/N thought about her mother's words. Nearly 500 years had gone past since their father had been sealed away, it had been tough on all of them, but her mother certainly took it the hardest, the second being Redson.

While Y/N had also been hit hard by the tragedy, she hadn't had as close a relationship with her father as her brother did. It wasn't that they didn't get along, it's just that often spending time together was just enjoying things like cooking together or training. Often without needing to speak.

Still, even she wouldn't deny how excited she was to see him again. She knew her mother and brother had more excitement though.

"I ordered us some food. I ordered Dad some spicy food too. Should be here within an hour or two." Y/N informed Princess Iron Fan, who hummed in delight.

"Oh, was it from that lovely noodle shop you keep ordering from?" She asked. Y/N nodded. "What can I say? I'm a sucker for homemade food." She responded playfully.

The two watched the bull clones and Redson ordering said clones around. The echoing sounds throughout the cavern made the three feel each pound of metal deep within their souls. They could hardly wait.

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