Chapter 9: Home Alone

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Home alone.... Stars, Y/N hated being home alone. Her mother and father were out on a date, her brother was off heaven knows where, leaving her home all alone. She always hated this, even when she was younger. She didn't know why. She just did.

Y/N was currently laying in bed, staring up at the ceiling with boredom. There was nothing to do. All the bull clones were busy chipping away at the mysterious power source their father had found and she assumed Braze was gnawing on them.

Until she heard the familiar scraping of her lindwyrm scrambling down the hall and then scratching at her door while whimpering. Y/N quickly got up, rushing over to her door and opening it.

"Braze? What's wrong, bud?" She asked, tilting her head. The lindwyrm trilled and motioned with his tail for her to follow before he began scampering down the halls.

Y/N felt concern and fear rushed through her. She felt so worried. What could be so bad that it scared her companion? She quickly followed after the dragonic creature.

Braze led her into the main area and throne room, where there was currently a taped off area where the bull clones were digging. Braze stopped by the tape and waited for her to catch up. Y/N felt a bit of relief as her mind began rationalizing.

Nothing was damaged, no one was hurt. Maybe Braze just didn't know if he could go through the tape to get one of the bull clones to chew on. She walked over to him and placed her hands on either side of his head, gently scratching under his chin.

 She walked over to him and placed her hands on either side of his head, gently scratching under his chin

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(Like dis. If there's an interaction I'm not sure description alone will show, I'll show a gif. Also this is an accurate representation of Braze's size compared to Y/N except he kinda has a slouch so when crouched, which is often, he looks more at hip height.)

"What's wrong, bud? You can go through the tape." She asked. Braze chittered worriedly and turned his head over to what the bull clones were digging. The blue smoke and ominous whispers that echoed from it left Y/N very uneasy but her father said it was simply a mysterious, ancient power source.

Was that what was setting off Braze? Y/N had to admit, she didn't like it either but still. She glanced back at her loyal companion. "Is it that magical thing?" She asked, a bit hesitant to say it aloud. The echoes of the bull clones' pickaxes clanging against the stone echoed throughout the cavern, drowning out the whispers.

Braze chirped and rested his head in her hands, almost like how Redson used to bury his face into her when they were younger and he had a nightmare. Y/N sighed, gently rubbing the lindwyrm's head.

"I know, buddy, I don't like it either. But, we gotta deal with it. How about this, you can stay in my room with me today. Does that sound good?" She asked, keeping her tone soft and gentle. Kinda like how she used to see mortals speaking to their dogs. Braze trilled in response, tail swaying behind him.

Y/N smiled, pulling away and wiping the bits of cooled magma off her hands. "Okay, bud, let's go, yeah? No need to stick around here." She said, motioning for him to follow her as she started back down the hallway.

Braze scampered after her, cheerful as ever. Y/N honestly wondered how her companion stayed so cheery all the time. Maybe animals just had simpler lives, he didn't have to worry about bills after all. Or his past. Or anything really.

Y/N got back to her room and opened the door, letting her lindwyrm bound over to his lava bed and curl up in it. It was a simple metal bowl-shaped bed that was constantly filled with lava, which made it very comfortable for the volcanic dragonic.

Y/N walked inside and shut her door before glancing around her room, frowning slightly. It wasn't messy messy but it was still messy enough to get on her nerves. She sighed and grabbed her phone from her nightstand.

She unlocked her phone, smiling fondly at the home screen of her, Redson, and their dad. It was the one taken at the shoe store. She quickly opened her music app, Demofy(knockoff Spotify cuz ye.) and put on some music.

She quickly got to work cleaning up her room. Picking up clothes and putting them in the hamper, dusting off the books and figurines, organizing her desk, polishing her glass sculptures and such.

She was finally done after nearly three hours and sat back on her end, letting out a sigh of relief. Though as her legs swung over and touched the floor, she felt something against her ankle. She sat up and looked down.

It was a box. Simple, plain, black shoe box with a silver-colored lid. Y/N frowned, feeling a bit of feelings from the past bubble up. She quickly got up and pushed the box back under her bed, far back enough that the shadows hid it. However, when she did so, something fell out. A half burned photo.

Against her better judgement, she grabbed the photo and looked at it. It was an old Polaroid one from a century back. One third of it was burned but the others were more visible. Y/N and Redson were clearly seen in the picture.

Y/N was on the far right, smiling and making a small heart with her hands. She was a bit younger at the time, late teens. Her hair was a bit longer, in a fancier hairstyle. She was wearing a loose T-shirt off the shoulder and a tank top underneath. She was smiling in the picture and not wearing her normal tinted glasses.

Redson was in the middle, her looked more like early-to-mid teens at the time. He was the one holding the camera and had a smile in the photo. His hair was more messy, less kept up. It was in a messy twin braid. He was wearing a T-shirt of some amusement park they had gone to that day.

The third half of the picture was burned enough to blacken it. Still, Y/N could've easily remembered what the third person in that photo looked like that day. She frowned, pulling the box back out and opening it.

Inside was more photos, a few origami lotuses, a necklace, a few letters, and a hoodie. She quickly put the photo back inside and then put the lid back on. She shoved the box back under her bed and got up.

She wiped the dust off her hands and sighed. "Out of sight, out of mind." She told herself. She looked over at Braze. The lindwyrm had fallen asleep about an hour ago. He was laying on his back, head leaning over the side of the bed like his tail, snoring, tongue rolled out and lava drool dripping onto the floor. Y/N mentally thanked the fact her room was fireproofed entirely.

She laid down on her own bed and stared up at the ceiling again. She felt uneasy, the whispers from the blue smoke still lingering in her mind. She really hoped it was just paranoia and that everything would be fine.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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