Chapter 4: The Hunt

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It had been relatively easy for Braze to track down the mortal. Not only was he kinda easy to spot, but the staff was also a dead give away. Plus, he didn't get very far before the twins had chased after him.

Y/N kept her hand on the saddle hold(You've seen pics of saddles. Ya know that little thing that sticks up in the front? That's what she's holding onto. I don't know the name for it.). Her hair flowing in the ponytail behind her as Braze scrambled up through the elevator shaft walls before waiting for Redson up top.

Redson Hurst through the ground and landed next to them. He and Y/N exchanged glances of understanding. "Wanna do an old lucky number 8 or pull a peek-a-boo?" He asked, referencing previous maneuvers they had used in the past.

Y/N smirked. "A peek-a-boo, of course. It's so much fun." She replied. The two began cackling as they raced after the small car the mortal was using to get away.

Redson took the lead, chasing after the human within a narrow alley way. The human peeked out to glance behind him and screamed in fear before turning back to the road.

"All right, newdle boy, hand it over!" Redson ordered, he was clearly done with this chase and it had only just begun. His temper had its limits that were far shorter than his sister's.

Suddenly, a bowl of noodles landed on his windshield, coating the thing in sticky juice. Redson blinked in slight surprise before huffing, turning on the windshield wipers to move the mess so he could see.

His hair turned to flames as he got angrier than before. Stealing from his family was one thing, but he had just gotten his truck detailed and was not about to take anyone ruining it lightly! He paid good money for it after all.

"Fine! Have it your way!" He shouted flames, erupting from the sides of the car. The human yelped, driving as best he could. "Ah! You're really scary!" He squealed before the staff extended again, sending him and the car flying forward as he screamed.

The boy landed on some rooftops and for a moment thought he was safe before he heard a snarl above him. He looked to the side to see the face of what looked like a large salamander blinking at him.

Y/N leaned down so her face was in view as Braze bounded next to the car. She rested her head on her hand with a smug smirk. "Licence and registration?" She joked.

That actually made the boy chuckle a bit despite still trying to get away from her. "I don't think you're a cop so it doesn't work like that!" He shouted.

Y/N shrugged. "Eh, have it your way. Either way, it doesn't matter how much you struggle, Braze and I have never lost a prey." She cackled with a sinisterly delighted tone.

Though the delivery boy's car was a little bit ahead of them, Y/N could easily catch up. But she wanted to toy with her target first. She hadn't had any fun in a while.

However Redson, driving on the road below them, spoke up. "WOULD YOU GET DOWN HERE, SO I CAN KILL YOU?" He roared.

The Noodle boy shook his head. "Never- OW!" He yelled as his car went out of view, crashing through an apartment before coming out the other side.

Y/N blinked in surprise before huffing. She patted Braze's side. "Braze, lele(leap in Hawaiian according to Google translate.)." She order. The creature squawked before jumping and landing onto the roof of Redson's truck.

Her brother stuck his head out the window. "WATCH IT! DON'T MESS UP THE PAINT JOB!" He snapped. Y/N rolled her eyes. "I'll pay to fix it, jeez. Let's get going." She retorted.

Her brother huffed but went back to driving after their target. Redson cackled manically as they turned down a street to see the mortal next to a busted up car.

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