The Demon in the Snow

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Gato, the true mastermind behind these entire situations appears with dozens of Rogue Ninjas for henchmen. The short bastard walks towards Haru's death body, kicking the young boy's face while talking mad shit about the one-time Haku broke his arm by squeezing it too tight. It was all just too much. . . 

Haku and Zabuza may've been the enemy. . . but Haku. . .

"You are kind Takashi; I wish there are more people like you."

Haku will be permanently mark within Takashi's mind. As a soul he will never forget, as a soul he ended up respect through and through. 

"You bastard!" Naruto screams with rage upon Gato's behavior disrespecting Haku. "What do you think you're doing, hey?!" Naruto took off, but as usual Kakashi sensei caught him. 

"Stop! Don't act so recklessly!" Kakashi grabs a hold of Naruto. 

Takashi stood on Zabuza's right. His eyes still fall upon a still Haru and the tears that once was dried renewed by another stream of tears. 

"You say something too! He was you comrade, right?" Naruto scolded the much older Zabuza. 

"Shut up punk. Haku is already dead." Zabuza answered coldly. 

"What. . .?" Naruto couldn't believe his ears. "Don't you feel anything watching him doing that! Weren't you with Haku for a long time!"

"As Gato used me. . . I was simply using Haku. I'd thought I'd told you. . . We Shinobi are merely tools. What I wanted were his skills and not Haku himself. I have no regrets. . ."

"You're going to die old man, stop lying in your final moments." Bitter was the only thing expressed on Takashi's face for Zabuza, and Naruto completely agrees. 

"You don't mean that." Naruto followed, but Kakashi put a hand on the young Uzumaki's left shoulder. 

"Naruto, stop. You too. . .Takashi." Kakashi plead. "There's no need to fight him anymore. . .Besides. . ."

"Shut up! My enemy is still. . .this one!" Naruto points to Zabuza. "He. . . He really liked you!" Naruto points to Haku. 

"He liked you that much! Even so, don't you feel anything at all?! You really. . .honestly. . . don't feel anything at all? When a person becomes as strong as you. . .Does that person really behave like you? He threw his life away for you! He didn't even fulfill his own dreams and yet. . ." Naruto fight back tears, but he fails miserably. 

"To die as a tool! That's. . . That's. . .too painful. . ." Naruto cries. 

"Kid. . ." Zabuza begins to cry as well, the loss of Haku permanently took away his heart. The guilt and regrets started to eat the assassin alive. "Don't say anything. . .anymore." 

"Haku was. . .He wasn't just thinking of me. He was feeling pain inside for you while he battled you guys too. . . I know. He was too kind. . . I'm glad we could fight with at the end." Zabuza confessed. 

Zabuza then disregard the bandage around his mouth. Takashi knew what he's about to do and give Zabuza a little bit Chakra he had left. Zabuza stares at Takashi, and Takashi nodded. 

". . .For Haku." Was all that Takashi said to the assassin. 

"Thank you. . . it's as you say, after all. . ." Zabuza acknowledge Takashi and turn to Naruto. "Shinobi are human too. . . Maybe it's impossible to become an emotionless tool. . . I've lost." 

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