1: New Student

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"Hello everybody, good afternoon. Today we will receive the new student, please don't act up and let the new student get comfortable around." A female voice said through the speakers.

"Great, another toy! Do you think it will be a boy or a girl?" The blond boy asked. A boy with red hair responded: "I hope it is a boy, they will do whatever we tell them to do!" "What if it is a girl, Sunoo?"  the younger one exclaimed. "Then we will ignore her" the leader said, "we already have enough girls simping over us, another one will be the last drop" "I'd be pretty happy if it was a hot girl" the blond boy added "Jake, we have a lot of fan girls, don't you think one of them is hot?" "They aren't hot, when they are crazy" "Truee" he american looking one. "Shut up, the teacher is coming" the ice prince looking one said.

"Good afternoon class, today we have a new student in our class. Please come in and introduce yourself." A girl came into the room. She was a normal girl "Hello, I am Choi Eun-Ji. I am looking forward to being friends!" The girl said. She was indeed stunning, she was around 170cm? It looked like it. She had straight brown hair. She seemed like a cute, sweet and friendly girl. She was very healthy, having a small waist but it wasn't too small, she looked around 49kg. "You can sit next to the girl over there. Wonyoung please raise your hand." A girl called Wonyoung raised her hand. Eunji went to sit next to her.

Class passed by and Eunji & Wonyoung seemed to get along well. "You should totally join my friends and I for lunch, I will tell you everything you need to know about the students. Including what you should uhm, avoid." "That is a great offer Wony, I would love to join. Making some friends won't hurt anybody, would they?" Eunji added. Wonyoungs eyes immediately lightened up. "Great, let's go!" Wonyoung brought Eunji to thenig Cafeteria. She took Eunji to a big table near the middle. There were 5 girls sitting. "Hii girlies, this is the new student, Eunji. She would be a great fit to our group and could help replace You Know Who in LE IVE!" Wonyoung told the girls. "Hi Eunji, I am Yujin, the leader of IVE. Those girls are Gaeul, Rei, Jiwon and Hyunseo. These girls and I are IVE." Yujin said. "Call me Liz for short!" Jiwon added. "And me Leeseo" Hyunseo said finishing Liz's sentence. "Nice to meet you girls."

"SAVE A SPOT FOR US" A girl screamed from across the room. Most people were ignoring her as if it was something normal. "Yunjin, I told you to stop screaming" "Do you really think she would listen, Chaewon?" "Let's just go." Some girl added.
"Hii gurls, who is this?" Asked the red haired girl.
"You are the new student, aren't you?" A short, japanese looking girl added. "Yeah, I am Eunji, nice to meet you!" "I'm Eu-" "We are LE SSERAFIM, nice to meet you too. I am Chaewon and they are Sakura, Yunjin, Kazuha and Eunchae." "Are you together LE IVE?" Eunji asked. "Well, yeah.. but we are missing a member. She uhmm.. left the group." Eunchae explained. "That is a story for later, let me present you the students!" Wonyoung told them, to get out of the awkward situation.

Wonyoung & Eunji walked around the cafeteria while Wonyoung showed her the students. "That group is TXT. Those are STAYC. That is æspa. That is Ateez. That group is Stray Kids. Then we have the older ones, Aespa, EXO, BTS, Blackpink, (G)I-DLE and NCT. Then there is ENHYPEN. The sons of the owners of our school. They think they are above everybody for being rich and handsome." Wonyoung explained. "They seem very popular" Eunji added, watching the amount of girls who kept trying to flirt with the boys. "They are, but be careful, they are dangerous." Wonyoung warned Eunji earning just a nod from her. "I mean it Eunji, don't talk or go near them if they are not talking to you. By the way, I have a crush on one of them." "I thought you said they are dangerous." Eunji said, looking at her friend.
"They are, but they are also boyfriend material. My crush is Sunghoon but don't tell anyone!" Wonyoung showed Eunji her pinky finger, signaling Eunji to do a Pinky Promise, which they did.

"I heard we are discovering who our mates are next week!" "Wony, I am new, I-I don't think I have a mate already." "You do, trust me. Everyone has a mate." Wonyoung reassured her friend. "I have art classes now, all of the LE IVE have arts. I think you have to go alone to your next class, see you tomorrow then." "Oh, it's ok, thank you for telling me all of the information, see you tomorrow Wony." Eunji bid her goodbyes and went to class.

[Eunji's POV]
"Hey you" a handsome boy called out. I turned around and saw a group of guys. Aren't they ENHYPEN? God they are very handsome, but Wonyoung told me to stay away from them, I should just ignore and continue walking. "Stop, Eunji or whatever your name is" I stopped and turned around to face them "How can I help you?" "Just so you know, we are not going to date you, so don't come crushing and simping over us." "Who said I liked you guys? I am new, and you aren't the main characters here." I shot back.

"I like her" Sunoo whispered to Sunghoon. "Who do you think you are?" Jake asked me getting dangerously close. I kept backing up, until I hit the wall. They weren't doing anything, but I just got scared of them. "Get lost." I told them trying to regain my confidence. "Sweetie, I choose what evryone does here, and right now you are annoying me." He said to me our faces inches away. I am not gonna lie, I was enjoying it, but this has to stop. "Could you back away?" I asked, with a gentle voice.  "You're sitting next to me in class, you have no other option" I looked at him. I really had no option I could tell by the looks on Heeseungs face.


Hi guys, this is the first book I am ever writing!
Don't worry, there won't be any smut parts.
I will post new chapters frequently, but don't expect me to post everyday. Thank you for reading!

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