3: Enemies

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It's already tuesday, and I have no option but to hangout with.. Enhypen. What will Wonyoung think of me? Or their fangirls? I have to get rid of them as fast as possible. The boys still haven't arrived so I am just sitting in my seat.
"Hi, are you Eunji?" I look up and respond "Oh hi, yeah I'm Eunji, who are you?" "I am Beomgyu, I am apart of TXT. Wanna be friends?" "Of course! I have heard that TXT is a pretty nice group! And you seem just like it!" Beomgyu & I kept chatting, we actually got along really well.

We kept complimenting each other but we weren't flirting, at least I wasn't. "We sound like besties and we just met today. That's crazy." I told him, giggling like a little child. "I know right? You should come hangout with us during Lunchbreak!" "Oh I-" before I could respond, someone hit the table and added: "She is busy, get lost Choi Beom-Gyu" Heeseung hissed at him. "Are you friends with them?" Beomgyu asked me. "N-no, we-" "Yes she is, what are you gonna do about it?" Ni-Ki told him. I met them yesterday, why they gotta lie like this? So annoying. "Eunji? How could you be friends with them?" "Enough." Jay scoffed grabbing Beomgyu by the collar and bringing him to his seat. Thank god he didn't start a fight. Jay seems to be whispering something to Gyu. I can't recognise what.

"So, Eunji, did you do the homework?" Sunghoon asked me. "Yeah, I did..." "Let me copy." He commanded me to let him copy, yet I responded "No! I don't wanna get caught by the teacher." Sunghoon look at me, his expression was not the happiest. His eyes started to glow red. "Fine. Copy, but don't make it too obivious." I said, not looking at him. "Thanks. I knew you were nice." He said in a sarcastic way. "Hey Eunji, I love that bracelet, what does it say?" Sunoo asked me. Sunoo & Jungwon are the only 'nice' boys in the group. "It says TMJHE" I answered. "What does it stand for?" "It's the Initials from my brothers and I." "That's interesting." Jungwon added. He seems to be thinking about it. What is there to think about it? These guys are so strange.

Class started, I was seating behind Jake, Jay Heeseung & Niki. The class was so boring, I wasn't paying attention, but then when the teacher turns around to explain something, Jake suddenly looks back at us, Sunoo, Sunghoon, Jungwon & I, and winks at me. Jungwon saw that. Sunoo & Sunghoon seemed to be too bored to pay attention they were playing games on their phones. I look at Jake and roll my eyes. That boy is just crazy.

It's lunchtime, I was heading over to LE IVE, Wonyoung saw me, we waved at each other like little kids. As I was heading over, Beomgyu pulled me over to TXT. "Guys, this is my new friend, Eunji." "Hi hottie" "Yeonjun stop flirting"
"Hii, we are TXT, I am Soobin, those two arguing are Yeonjun and Beomgyu, and those two are Taehyun & Kai" "Nice to meet you all!" This guys seem like great people, I was watching them as we sat there until I got pulled away. "Did you forget you have to sit with us?" Jake asked me, clearly annoyed. "You can't talk with our enemies" Sunghoon told me. "I am their friend. I won't ghost them." I shot back. They are trying to control what I do now?! "Look, if we are gonna spend time together, let's try to get along." "What do you want?" Jungwon asked. "You guys let me sit next to my friend during class. And also be nice to me. That's all." "That's it? Easy." Jake answered. All of them agreed to what I had proposed.

It's already Friday, tomorrow Mark is coming back from Canada. It has been a while since I have seen him. "Eunji, what are you thinking about?" Taeyong asked me. "Just about dad. Why do we always have to do so much work, I am still in school. My mind is gonna explode. Why can't he do the work?" "Eun, all 4 of us think that way as well, but we can't change anything about it, specially you. Maybe you will have to do less work when Mark arrives. I am so excited for him to come!" "Me too bro. Do you think Jaemin and Haechan are also excited?" I asked him. I have mixed feelings right now. "Mark is Haechan's best friend, if he ain't excited, we are dead."

We both burst out laughing, this is why I love Taeyong. He is the best brother I could have ever asked for. "Eun, dad wants you to go out of the house." Jaemin came. "What, why?" "He said as a punishment for not finding the Vampires yesterday you have to stay out the night without any weapons to see if you survive." "IS DAD CRAZY?! SHE IS NOT DOING THAT" Taeyong shouted. "She doesn't have a choice. I also tried to change his mind, but you know how he is." Jaemin reassured Taeyong. "Can I atleast take some clothes & food with me?" "Nothing Eun, Nothing." "Well, where is Hae?" I asked. "I am heree" Haechan walked in in the perfect moment. "I'll try to survive, if I don't, kill dad." "So you want us to meet you in heaven?" Jaemin said laughing his ass off. Taeyong stayed serious, he is genuinely worried. Meanwhile Haechan is on the floor. Laughing. "If you are not here tomorrow after school I will kill you." Taeyong told me. "I'll do my best." "Look out for enemies, and run if you see the vampires." "I will, I have to go." All the boys shouted in sync: "Take care!"
Fuck Dad. Why is it always me?

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