5: Talk With Brother

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"So, Mark.. How was it in Canada?" I asked my Brother. He was away for 8 years. He left when I was 11, he was 16. He had dropped out of school to study and work overseas. I touched Marks hand. It's cold.... freezing... Cold. I have heard that Canada was cold, but not like this. He also seems to be paler. "Oh it was good." "We should go out for a Walk together, to catch up." I suggested. "That's a great Idea." We went out to a Park near my school. "How old are you now?" Mark asked me. "I am 19. And you are 24, right?" "Yes I am. Wow, I wasn't here during your teenage years.." Mark said, he was clearly a little bit sad and sorry. "It's ok, the boys and I were also busy a lot of the time. Dad has made us work for the NCT EMPIRE." I explained to him. "Oh, did you start working at 16 like me?" "No, I wished. I started working at 13." "13?! That is way too young for this type of job." He replied, clearly worried about me. "Let's talk about something else... Are you going to my school?" "Yeah I'm gonna be in the same class and year as Jaemin and Haechan" "That's great to know! Will you be staying at home?" I asked him, just out of curiosity. "Actually, I did think about it, but I've decided to stay at the Dorms." "Oh ok, do you think we'll see eachother tomorrow at school?"
I needed to know. Will I be able to spend time with him? "Probably not, I have classes on the other side of the campus. I also will not spend my time in the Cafeteria." "Will you go with Jae & Hae to a restaurant?" He just nodded. I cannot believe he is going with them. "Why can't I go with you?" "Because we are going to have.. boys talk. You can't know about our things. You can spend time with Taeyong hyung tho." "You know he finished school and works full-time at the Headquarters, right?" Mark being mark. He always forgets. "Oh yeah.." He took out his phone and looked at the time. "It's already 7pm. We should get going." He told me, grabbing my hand to go home. "Do you have to be at the dorms at 9pm?" "I do. So let's go home to eat." "I'll take you to the dorms then." "There's no need to do that." "I want to! It's just 30min away from our house." "Fine. Y'know, you got really stubborn." "Duh. I was 11 years old last time you saw me you smartass." "Tomorrow we have school, it's best if you get to the dorms at 9pm."

We arrived home. My brothers & I talked for a while. Who knew Mark, Haechan & Jaemin still had a lot in common. If you didn't notice all of their names actually have something to do with eachother. Like Taeyong, Minhyung, which is Marks korean name. They don't have similarities but then the twins do. Hae, Tae & Jae. Min for Mark & Jaemin) Then there is me.. I don't rhyme with them. But I don't really care. Of course Dad didn't come to eat dinner with us. Ever since Mom died, he hasn't joined us. Compared to the Twins, Taeyong is more of an calmer guy. He is very overprotective over me tho. While the other ones are more like my best friends. "Mark, it's almost 8.30. We should get going." „Oh yeah. Bye guys. See most of you tomorrow."

We got out of the house and started walking. We didn't talk but rather enjoyed the view while walking as siblings. „Mark, when you arrived at the airport, I saw you talking to some guys. Who were they?" I had to ask him this, it has been bothering me since yesterday. „You don't need to know. And I know that is not the only thing bothering you." „What do you mean?" He touched my hands then proceeded to ask „I know you've noticed my cold temperature. Feel free to ask." „Are you sure?" he just nodded looking straight into my eyes as we were walking „What happened to you? You became paler and freezing cold. It's like you became like the twins." „Well.. I am a Vampire. I got bitten back in Canada. I am in a group but.. that's not important." Before I had noticed we arrived at the dorms. „V-vampire?" I couldn't believe what my brother was telling me. So ENHYPEN are not the only ones. „Don't act like you don't know about vampires." „Do you vampires have powers or something?" „Yeah. I have Water." I took out my phone and looked at the time. „You need to go. Goodbye, Mark." „Bye Eun. Don't tell anyone I am a vampire." I just showed him my pinky & he connected his to mine. I winked at him and turned around to go home.

As I was walking home, I felt something following me. I turned around and saw Sunoo. „Sunoo! What are you doing here?" „Searching for preys. Wanna come to our house?" „Sure, but make it quick." He took my hand and teleported me to their House. „Eunji!" Jungwon called, patting the couch signaling me to sit. „Guys, could you stop killing people?" They looked at me and all of them burst into laughter. „How do you want us to survive if we can't drink blood?" Sunghoon asked me. „Get blood from something legal." I responded. „We could get blood from blood bars, but we don't have enough for a Month." Heeseung replied. „I could get you guys blood..." „No. We don't want you to do something like that for us." Jake answered. „Don't worry, I have a legal way to get it. My agent privileges allows me to take the blood that a local blood bank doesn't need." „That's great! Let's make a deal." Jay offered. „You get us blood every friday, and we stop killing people." Jungwon continued. „Deal." After that I got up and left the house.

[Jungwon POV]
As soon as she left the house my smile dropped. „I don't know if we can trust her" „C'mon Jungwon. Let's try to trust her." I knew I had to trust her because I can't kill her.

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