7: Unexpected Visit

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It was Thursday. Dad has called me into the office of the headquarters. "What do you want dad?" "Eunji, I have decided to suspend you from being an Agent." "What why?" "Just because I said so, don't question your father." "You hate don't you?" "I don't hate you Lee Eunji, you are just useless. I thought making you an agent would put you to some use, but you keep coming home late & not being successful in missions." It was heartbreaking what my dad told me straight into my face. I felt like crying at that moment. "I'll get going." "Yeah go, let me finish my work."

How am I gonna get the blood for the boys? I am just gonna... do something no one would mind. "Hello guys" I said entering their house and placing 7 blood bags on the table. "That's so less compared to last time." Jay assumed. "I know I could run with more" "Run?! I thought you had a legal way to get us blood!" Heeseung exclaimed. "I had, but my dad suspended me from being an agent." "We don't want you to do illegal things for us. Let us be.." "But isn't there another way to get blood!" "There is..." Sunghoon said. "Great, is it the blood bars?" "No, we don't have enough blood bars." Ni-Ki responded. "Then what is it?" "Mating. Once you mate you only crave blood once a month." Jake replied. "Great, we just gonna find your mates! Wait.. that may be ha-" Jungwon put his hand over my mouth. "Eunji, you are our mate." Not just I but the others were shocked. I left them, that can't be true. It's not like I don't feel attracted to them, but a human and 7 vampires?! Shouldn't that be impossible?!

"Guys!" I shouted out in the house. Mark was over to hangout with the boys. "What's up Eun?" Jaemin responded. "Are you guys by any chance vampires?" "Well, you know about me.." Mark just simply replied. "How do you know Eunji?" "Because vampires can only have vampire mates right?" "Yeah.." "I have 7" "7 Mates?!" Taeyong screamed. "But they are vampires. Am I a vampire?" "Well, you'll need to sit down for this one." Haechan adviced me as I sat down. "You know how your wounds heal very fast?" Yes.. My scratched bloody Leg, it wasn't that big of a wound tho in 1 day it was good. Or that time I hit my head and started bleeding, I went away in almost no time... "Yeah, what about it?" I answered "That's a vampire power. Healing" Taeyong simply responded. "Am I a vampire?!" "Well, you and Taeyong are half vampires half humans, yet more human blood runs through your body than vampire blood. That's why you have a normal body temperature and don't crave for blood." "So the twins are fully vampires?" "Yeah duh" The two said in sync. Randomly TXT entered our house. The Twins stood up and greeted them. "Your dad is also a vampire and he is getting old." Soobin randomly told us. "How do you know about that?" I asked uet he just shushed me. Yeonjun continued to explain "He is getting 7000 years old, when that happens the vampire starts getting weaker. Your dad possesses the power. That means he has all of the vampire powers including more stamina. So that he doesn't get weak, he has to kill 7 vampires with different powers." I just sat there listening. "He is going for Enhypen, Eunji's soulmates" As he said that last part I kept my eyes on my lap. "We have to go to inform the boys." I shouted. They all just looked at me as if that wasn't obvious.

We all went out and Taeyong & Yeonjun were driving cars to their house. As soon as we arrived we went in as groups of 2. I was with Beomgyu. We were going to enter the house till Beomgyu was shot in the leg and I was tied.

[Heeseung POV]

We heard knocking on our door. "I think Eunji is here!" I said. Jungwon went to open it. He did not have a happy look on his face. "Lee Gae-Seul, what are you doing here?" Who is Lee Gae-Seul? I have never heard that name in my life. "Calling me by my real name? Where are the manners, Jungwon? It's Choi Eun-yong for you." As soon as we all heard that we all got alert and went to the door. Sunoo didn't come tho, I looked around and saw him hiding, he looked at me and told me to shush. "Well, well, well, where is your mate? I am very sure you her right now." "She is at home, and why are you here?" Ni-Ki responded with a clear mean tone. "Keep it down boy, respect or I'll do it the hard way. Are you sure she is at home because..." He didn't finish his sentence and just moved to the side. We looked at the floor and saw an unconscious Eunji tied to a chair next to a bleeding Beomgyu. There were men behind him, holding her brothers and the rest of TXT. Some of them were bleeding or had bruises. "Let them go!" I shouted at him. "Not until I kill you. I am getting old you know, but I can't let that take over me." "Then why take them?" Jay asked him. I looked at Sunoo and saw him on his phone. "They were trying to stop me. I can't let that happen." "But they are your sons.. and daughter" "You guys are annoying, let's just go." He said spraying a strange Spray on us. Next thing I know, I only see black.

[Sunoo POV]
He left with my members, Eunji and the other guys. As much as I hated them, I had to call them to help, I couldn't save them on my own. I took out my phone and started calling someone. "What do you want, Kim Su-Noo?" A female voice answered the call. "Choi Eunyong took them, TXT and Eunji.. I need your help to free them and end him. Please make sure you and all of the others can come." "Just for Eunji." I ended the call and waited for to come. Our unexpected visit really didn't notice.

I need to start planning the next story, about who do you want the next Story? NCT Lee line, NCT 00 line or simply one member of NCT?

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