9: End of the torture?

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We started fighting like there's no tomorrow. While the boys were taking the bodyguards down, I was trying to kill my father. I was letting all of my trauma, anger & sadness all out at the same time. Every punch I threw was just me letting all my daddy issues out. I was getting tired of fighting, I looked around while I continued to throw punches and saw almost all of my dad's guards on the floor. As I was getting exhausted, I had to ask for some help. "Taeyong, Heeseung & Yeonjun cover up for me quick." I asked them to, and they did it. I went running to Jake who was watching everything like I told him to. "Jake, I'll need you to take me back to when your father & TXT's Father shot eachother but just one second before it exactly happened." "But all of us will forget eachother." "I promise I won't forget you guys. Please, that will be the only way to end him." I looked at him pleading with my eyes. "I don't know, Eun..." "Please, Jake." I said, giving him a quick peck on the lips. He just stared at me. "Fine..." "Thank you so much, I love you." I said then running back to my dad. I hugged Heeseung and held my dad's collar. "Are you already bidding your goodbye's?" My dad asked me. "You should be the one doing that." I looked at Jake signaling him to teleport us. "Where are we going?!" "Some years back." We arrived and I didn't waste a second and put in between the guns as they were getting shot. There it was, my dad got shot, but it didn't kill their parents. Directly after that I let go of my dad and was getting teleported back.

I was back and fell on the floor. "What are we doing here?" Everybody started asking. It was over. I am.. free. "Who are these people?" Jungwon questioned. "I have no idea, probably just random humans." Rei replied. Taehyun just nodded. Yep, they forgot me. "Eunji, are you coming?" Mark asked me, offering his hand. "Y-yeah" I took it, it felt warm and he wasn't pleased anymore. Of course, if dad died before he sent Mark to Canada he never got a chance to become a full vampire. I went with my brother's home.
We now lived with Taeyong as my mother died years ago.

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It's been 2 Months since I've talked to all of them. In this new timeline, I actually didn't change schools. I wanted to meet them so bad tho. "Taeyong please let me change schools!" "Why tho? You're perfectly fine at your school." He replied. I had already thought about what to say to change his mind. "I wanna be in the same school as Haechan & Jaemin." "Why tho? All you guys do is bicker." "Hey, we may bicker a lot but we still love eachother, please!" "Let's ask them what they think about it." "Haechan, Jaemin! Come downstairs!" Taeyong shouted. "Tae, I swear I didn't do it!" Haechan screamed while coming towards us. "You guys didn't do anything." Taeyong responded "We didn't?" Jaemin asked. "No, I just wanna ask you guys, if you would be ok having a little baby in your school." Taeyong said making me glare at him. The twine thought about it not understanding. "Do you mean Eunji?" "Of course you dumb kid." I shouted back. "Of course we would love to have her at our school. It would be another chance to annoy her." Mark said as he entered the living room. "Minhyung, you're already back from the grocery store." Jaemin added. Since Mark didn't go to Canada he never got his English. I mean he does have it, but no one uses it, except for me. I am just used to it. He also doesn't sleep at the dorms, he stays with us. "Seems like everyone agrees, you'll start on monday. I'll go enroll you now." Taeyong explained to me. "Thank you!!!" I hugged them then went to my room. I was finally going to see them again! I went to the bathroom in my room and looked at the mirror. While Taeyong, Mark & I still are vampires, but have more human blood running through us we still don't crave blood. The twins are still more vampire than human tho. I looked at my neck and saw a bite mark. I don't know why it's there, the last time I had more than just one bite mark was the time I ended my dad. I had seven bite marks back then, yet I don't understand why I now only have one and why I even have it. Anyways I changed clothes and told the boys that I would be going out to take a short walk.

While walking I passed by the alley where I first actually met Enhypen. I look to the side and saw the blood of the girl I saw Jungwon biting. The blood I also realised there weren't any killings lately. Maybe they have been drinking from Blood Bars. They probably have a lot of those now. They are the sons of one of the most successfulls CEO's, owning around 3 School in Seoul and 1 in Daegu. Since he didn't die, he probably continued with his business. I was about to go back until I felt like I was being watched. I look around and saw a pair of red eyes. They immediately disappeared. I went to where they were and look a little bit around. I didn't see anything so I went back home.

I went upstairs to my room to chill out and relax, but all I could think about was seeing my soulmates at school. They forgot me last time, would they remember me? Would IVE remember me? Or TXT? I don't know, I just know that I would find a way for them to remember. Tomorrow I will just chill the whole day. Also I just realised how Taeyong and I don't have Mission talks anymore. Normally we would not talk a lot because of stress, but if we did it would be mostly about agent missions. While Haechan & Jaemin I still have our normal talks with them, we talk about how we will annoy the other person. I also don't hide my name, I am proud not to hide the fact that I am Lee Eun-Ji.

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