Important Announcement

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Dear Readers,

I'm sure you all have read about what Shubble went through, and my heart goes out to her and all other victims of abuse. I honestly can't believe this happened, yet here we are. Before I say this, I want to let you all know that I do not support Wilbur, or agree with him in any way, shape, or form. That being said, I'm still going to write this story, and finish this series. It is about a character, not him. From this day forward, I am no longer connecting him to the character. I hope you understand my decision, and whether you decide to stay, or move onto another book, thank you for joining me on this journey, and I hope to cross paths with you all again. Also, fuck Wilbur Soot. If you still support him (the content creator, not the character), please leave. Everyone, please go and support Shelby, give her all your love, and give your love to all the other victims who haven't spoken up yet. 

Take care, 


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