~ The Kingdom of the Sea: Prologue ~

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"We made a mistake."

Two dragons sat together on the cliff, looking up at the night sky. Stars glittered above, and three crescent moons shone high above them.

"It was out of our control," one said.

"That's exactly the mistake," the other said. "We chose the wrong dragons. We should've chosen different members."

The first one bristled. "We did the best we could!"

"And it wasn't enough."

"It wasn't our fault that they decided to run away," the first one snapped.

"But you weren't doing enough to make sure they couldn't."

The other dragon eyed him for a moment, then looked away again. "It's too late now, though. All we can do is pray that they stay alive."

"They have Kestrel, Asha, Rose, and Hvitur," the first dragon said, though he knew Hvitur was in no condition to protect them. The last time he saw him, he'd been at death's clawtips. He wouldn't be able to do much unless he'd miraculously recovered.

But then that'd mean that one dragonet wouldn't be safe.

Nautilus can't know about that.

He also can't know that I'm probably part of the reason they ran away. He can't know how this is partly my fault.

Webs shifted his talons.

I need to fix what I did. Somehow, I need to atone for what I've done. I need to make sure the dragonets are okay.

"I'll go look for them," he offered. "I'll make sure they're okay."

Nautilus sighed. "That's all you can do. We can't lock them back up, they'll just get away again, or someone else will find them." Nautilus looked at Webs. "How exactly do you plan on finding them, though?"

"I'll start in the Sky Kingdom," Webs replied. "I'll search the whole continent if I have to. I'll find them."

"You better," Nautilus snarled. "Or I'll hand you over to Burn and have her put your head on a wall."

"I assume that's not a threat to be taken lightly," Webs commented, keeping his tone light despite the seriousness of the situation.

"Correct," Nautilus snarled. He waved his wing. "Now go."

"I'll find them," Webs repeated.

"Yes, you will."

Webs didn't linger a moment longer. He launched into the sky and flew off into the night.

I'll find them, Nautilus. They'll be okay.

"Thank you for meeting me."

Crag led his guest into his home. The two SkyWings faced each other. One of them, the guest, had dark red scales that glowed in the dim moonlight that shone through the windows.

"Let's make this quick," she said, flicking her tail irritably. "I don't enjoy having my time wasted."

"I don't think you'll see this as a waste of time."

Crag reached into a chest that rested in a corner of his room. He pulled out a bag that was sealed with a golden tie. He dropped the bag on a table by his guest.

"You're one of the best assassins in the Sky Kingdom," Crag said. "So I've come to you for help."

The guest eyed the bag. "Help with what, exactly?"

"The dragonets are free," Crag explained. "Of course, you know this. You were the one the Talons called upon to help murder one of them."

"A Talon called upon me," Glider corrected.

"Right, of course. A single Talon. But that's not my point. The dragonets of destiny have escaped Queen Scarlet's grasp, and they killed her in the process. We now live under the rule of Queen Ruby."

"I know all of this," Glider snapped. "Get to your point."

Crag pushed the bag toward Glider. Coins clinked against each other inside. "I want you to find the dragonets and kill them. I want their heads brought back to me. We need our revenge for what they did to our queen."

Glider eyed the bag again before picking it up. "Very well."

"You'll need to move quickly," Crag said. "The Talons of Peace will be looking for their precious prophecy dragonets. You need to find them before they do."

"Obviously," Glider scoffed, putting her payment into her pouch. "But that'll be no trouble. I'll find them."

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