~ The Kingdom of the Sea: Chapter 21 ~

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"Well, she was certainly easy to find."

Hare lifted her head sleepily, yawning and rubbing her eyes. She looked at the entrance of the cave to see whose voice had woken her.

White-gold scales marked with black diamond patterns caught the glint of sunlight now trickling through the canopy. Glittering black eyes met Hare's. Queen Coral landed beside the unfamiliar dragon with Anemone and Orca.

"Staying dry in my cave?" the SandWing asked as the others began to stir. "Wise, I must say."

"Who-" Hare started, but she was cut off by Starflight poking her in the side. "That's your aunt," he hissed quietly. Hare looked back at the new dragon.

"Quite right," the SandWing said with a sly smile. She looked at Hare and flicked her tongue between her grin. "Hello, little one. I'm your aunt, Blister."

"You're here?" Hare stared in surprise. "Why?"

"I wrote to her to let you know you were here," Queen Coral said, glancing at Blister. "I knew she'd want to meet her niece."

"You are a unique little thing," Blister said, cupping Hare's face in her talons. "Coral told me your name, but I may remember it wrong. It's... Rabbit, right?"

"Hare," Hare corrected.

"Ah, right." Blister lightly patted Hare's head before releasing her. "Well I'm very happy to finally meet you. When I heard that my sister had a daughter, I was very eager to meet her. I will say, I was surprised to find out that you're a hybrid. My sister hates hybrids more than anything else. I'm surprised she didn't kill you the moment you were born."

"My mother loves me," Hare growled.

"Of course, of course." Blister flicked her tongue. "That's why she was so worried about keeping you alive. Though she acted completely out of character because of you for a little while." Blister yawned and examined her claws. "Her armies were a little messy for a few weeks. She was quite easy to beat. You were a weakness, Hare." She glanced at the dragonets of destiny and smiled. "But also a strength."

Queen Coral waved her talon. "This is a very touching reunion, but we don't have all morning. We can talk over breakfast, my Council and guests are waiting for us."

"I'm hoping all of us will be attending," Blister said. "I'd love to learn more about the dragonets of destiny, and that little SkyWing back there."

Kestrel hissed quietly.

Queen Coral wrinkled her snout in disgust. "A MudWing and a SkyWing at one of my feasts?" She tsked and turned away. "Alright."

The queen led the way to the feasting hall. It was two levels above the kitchen, and a long, low oval table sat in the center. Queen Coral settled in a throne that was higher than any other seat. Blister's wasn't much lower.

Blister tapped on the spot closest to her. "Sit here, dear," she said to Hare. "I want my only family here to be close to me."

Hare hesitated, then did as she said. She pulled out the chair and sat beside her aunt. Tsunami sat beside her. Coral shot her a look as Orca and Anemone sat on their mother's left, but Tsunami just glared back.

SeaWing guards were arranged around the perimeter of the floor, interspersed with SandWing soldiers who had arrived with Blister. The SeaWings stamped their talons and swished their tails, casting dark looks at the SandWings.

The dragons gathered around the table began to eat, chattering among each other and laughing. They cast suspicious looks at Clay and Kestrel as they ate. After a little while, Queen Coral clapped her talons together.

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