~ The Kingdom of the Sea: Chapter 19 ~

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It didn't take Riptide long to return. Shortly after he left, he came flapping back in with Trench at his side.

"I came as quickly as I could," she said. "You're lucky I was in the palace. What's going on?"

"Kestrel and Clay were chained up, we need to get them out," Hare explained. "We need you to help us get the keys."

"Me?" Trench said. "What can I do?"

"You're one of the soldiers, aren't you?"

"I'm a rarely used guard," Trench corrected.

"But a guard nonetheless." Hare grabbed Trench's arm and pulled her closer. "This is urgent, Trench. You need to find the guards with the keys and make them give them to you. Tell them Queen Coral sent you to move the prisoners because she has better plans for them."

Trench hesitated. "Are you sure it'll work?"

Hare pulled her a little closer. "It has to."

Trench nodded. "Alright, I'll do what I can."

Trench turned and flew out of the cave. Hare turned back to Tsunami, who was beginning to give orders.

"You three," she said, pointing at Sunny, Glory, and Starflight. "There's a cave far up the cliff." She walked to the entrance of the cave and pointed. "Right there. Go find shelter there. Riptide, go with them."

"Shouldn't Hare go?" Riptide asked. "It'd be best to keep the SeaWings in the cave that's flooding."

"I'm not leaving my friends," Hare snapped.

"Which is exactly why I'm sending you," Tsunami said to Riptide. "Now go, keep them safe." Her gaze softened as she added, "I trust you more than anyone to do this."

Riptide nodded. "Alright." He flicked his tail. "Come on," he said to the three.

"I'm not-" Glory started. Tsunami instantly whirled around to face her, her sharp teeth bared in a dangerous snarl. "You'll do as I say if you want to survive! Now go!"

Glory hesitated, then followed the others out of the cave. Sunny was behind the rest of the group.

"Sunny, wait!" Tsunami called. The little SandWing turned to look at her. Tsunami handed her the object Hare had noticed earlier. Now that she got a better look at it, she could confirm it was an egg. "This is possibly my mother's last daughter, my last sister. I need you to care for it and keep it warm."

Sunny smiled and took it, holding it close. "Of course. I can't believe you're trusting me with this."

"There's no one better for the job," Tsunami said kindly. "Now go."

Sunny turned and followed the other three as they flew off into the rain. Tsunami turned to Hare. "The water's rising," she said. Obviously. The water was up to Hare's shoulders now. "As it gets higher, keep their heads above the water," she went on. "I'm going to go under and see if maybe I can pick the locks with my claws."

"What about Trench?" Hare asked.

Tsunami hissed in frustration. "We need to keep Kestrel and Clay alive!"

"Right, sorry."

Kestrel backed away as Tsunami prepared to dive under. "Go to Clay first," she ordered. "I can wait."

Tsunami nodded, then disappeared beneath the rising water.

Hare stood on her back talons. "Chins up," she called over the sound of the water.

Trench, please hurry.

"This certainly isn't how I expected to die," Kestrel sighed.

"Stop that!" Hare snapped. "You're not going to die. None of us are. You'll be okay."

Tsunami emerged from the water. "The locks are oddly shaped and hard to fit my claws into," she announced. "Clay, this might hurt a little, but I'm going to try and break the chains from the bolts in the ground."

Clay cringed. "Are you sure that's necessary?"

Tsunami narrowed her eyes. "Do you want to survive?"

Clay sighed. "Okay." Tsunami dove back under. Hare could see the shape of her talons reaching forward and grabbing the chains. "But be gen- OW!"

Clay slapped his tail on the water as he howled in pain. Tsunami's shape jerked under the water as she pulled. She yanked harder and harder, but the chains wouldn't budge.

The water was up to Hare's neck now.

Wingbeats could be heard outside, then someone crashed into the water and splashed into the cave. Hare turned and breathed in relief as Trench splashed toward them.

"Did you get the keys?" she asked.

Trench raised her talon, revealing the pair of keys wrapped around her claw. "I almost bit someone's snout off, but I got them."

"Oh, thank you so much Trench," Hare breathed. She went to tap on Tsunami to let her know, but Trench shook her head. Instead, she dove beneath the water, The shapes of the two SeaWings worked beneath the water. Tsunami took the keys and freed Clay, then she passed the keys back and Trench freed Kestrel. They rose up and shook off their heads.

"Let's go, now," Tsunami said. "The water will be up to our chins soon."

Trench and Tsunami helped Clay, Kestrel, and Hare wade through the water. Hare felt the water rising with every step she took, making her heart pound with urgency.

Tsunami led them out of the cave and to the cave where the others were. The cave was dry and warm. Hare shook water off of her scales. Riptide was keeping the dragonets safely sheltered in the back of the cave.

"This cave won't get flooded," Trench said. "It never does. You'll all be safe."

"You have no idea how grateful we are for your help, Trench," Hare said, pulling her friend into a hug. "Thank you."

Trench wrapped her wings around Hare. "I only did what anyone else would've."

Hare could hear Riptide and Tsunami quietly talking to each other. She assumed Tsunami was thanking him, too.

"Tell Catfish I'll come see him tomorrow," Hare said quietly.

Trench nodded, then released Hare from the hug. "I'm sure he'll be happy to hear that." With that, she flew away.

Hare watched her go. She jumped when she heard a teasing voice from beside her. "Who's Catfish?"

Glory appeared from the shadows of the cave, shifting her scales so she was no longer invisible. Hare smacked her shoulder. "You spy!"

"I was not spying," Glory said. "Just eavesdropping."

"That's just as bad!"

"Settle in and get warm," Tsunami said, waving goodbye to Riptide as he flew away. "I'm going to go get you guys some food."

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