~ The Kingdom of the Sea: Chapter 2 ~

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"Hide in the water!" Tsunami ordered.

"No way," Glory said. She sank to the ground, spreading her wings, and shifted color. Her scales flowed into the rocky, sandy pattern below her until she was impossible to see. It happened quickly, so quickly that Hare almost lost track of her.

"Fine, let's go." Tsunami turned to reach for Sunny, but the little SandWing pulled away.

"I can make it to the trees," she said. "I'll fly really fast."

Without waiting for Tsunami to say anything, Sunny flapped after Starflight. Hare took off after them. Kestrel followed, taking up the rear. Hare assumed it was to make sure everyone got to the trees safely. Knowing Kestrel, she would much rather risk her life than the lives of the dragonets.

"Quickly!" Hare urged, quickening her pace. The thunder of wingbeats were getting closer. Hare flew faster than she ever had before.

My mother will be furious with me. Her ally might be dead because of my friends, and I left her for them. I can't get caught.

Hare flew past Sunny and hurtled into the trees after Starflight, crashing through leaves and branches. Starflight reached out to pull Sunny in once she got closer. Hare looked up at the sky and held her breath. The SkyWings were getting close, really close, and quickly.

"Sunny, come on!" Hare called as quietly as she could. The little SandWing flapped faster and harder. Once she was close enough, Starflight grabbed her front talons and pulled her in. Kestrel raced in after them.

"This way," Starflight said, leading them deeper into the trees.

Hare hung back to take up the rear. She kept her eyes fixed on the soldiers, part of her hoping to see the familiar pale orange scales of the young dragon who'd been so kind to her. The young dragon who was in no state to be a guard, but still tried his hardest.

There was no familiarity in these scales though. Hare didn't have a chance for relief. Only horror as one of the soldiers paused. He was in the rear, so none of the others noticed. He was staring straight at the trees, just as Sunny's tail disappeared out of sight as she followed Starflight.

Did he see her?

"Keep going," Hare quietly called to Starflight and Sunny, who'd paused to wait for her. "I'll catch up."

"Hare-" Sunny started.

"Go," Hare interrupted, swinging her head back around to look at the SkyWing. The rest of the patrol was gone. It was only him now.

Kestrel stayed beside her. She leaned closer to Hare's ear and let out a hiss. "What are you doing?"

Hare didn't answer. She just stared at the SkyWing. His eyes remained fixed on the trees. His yellow-ish orange scales flashed in the sunlight. He reminded Hare of somebody.

She didn't have time to think about it though. The SkyWing opened his mouth, his shiny white teeth glimmering in the sunlight. At that moment, Tsunami burst out of the water. Her wings rammed into his underbelly, causing him to wheel back in shock and pain. He clutched the area she'd struck. Tsunami didn't hesitate for a single moment. She ducked around him and slammed her tail into his head. She landed on his back, making him falter.

"That idiot!" Kestrel snarled.

The SkyWing snarled and twisted to shoot a burst of flame at Tsunami. Thankfully, he missed. Tsunami bit down on the dragon's tail.

He opened his mouth to screech in pain, but Tsunami quickly smashed her tail across his snout. Smoke rose from his nostrils as his head twisted away. Before he could recover, Tsunami got off his back and slammed into his side.

The SkyWing toppled sideways and skidded onto the sand of the beach. Clay rose from the water, shaking mud from his scales.

Tsunami pointed to the SkyWing and yelled something to Clay. Clay quickly got on top of the SkyWing's back and held him down, pinning down his wings and arms. The SkyWing tried to struggle, but he'd been weakened by the fight.

"What is she doing?"

Hare jumped as Sunny's voice squeaked beside her.

"You're supposed to be hiding with Starflight," Hare said.

"We came back," Sunny told her. "Starflight saw the fight."

"We need to go help," Hare said.

Kestrel whipped her head around to glare at her. "We need to do no such thing."

Hare refused to listen. She hurried out of the trees and raced across the sand. Glory had made herself visible again by the time Hare came skidding to a halt beside Clay and the SkyWing.

"What is wrong with you?" Glory hissed at Tsunami as she landed on the beach.

"I was saving you guys," Tsunami snapped.

"By attacking a random dragon?" Glory shot back. "He was about to fly away!"

"He was about to call for backup! He saw Sunny."

"I was no-" the SkyWing started, but Tsunami quickly slammed her talon down on his snout and kept it there to keep him from talking.

"See?" Glory snarled. "You attacked him for no reason."

"You shouldn't have done that," Sunny agreed. She and Starflight walked up to join the others, both had concern displayed on their faces clearer than the sun in the sky.

Kestrel walked up beside them, her eyes fixed on the SkyWing they had held captive. "That was an idiotic idea," she hissed at Tsunami.

"What do we do with him?" Clay asked, leaning closer to the dragon beneath him.

Glory snorted. "Isn't it obvious? We can't let him go. He'll rat us out."

"We don't need to kill him," Tsunami said. "We can just tie him up here."

"Oh, right, what a wonderful idea," Glory scoffed. "I assume you want us to leave behind a trail of cow parts, too?"

Tsunami snarled. "A tied up dragon isn't a sign that we were here," she said. "Anyone could've left him here."

"Right, someone might think that until he starts running his mouth," Glory hissed.

As the two continued bickering, Hare dropped down to a crouch to get a better look at the SkyWing. His bright yellow eyes were narrowed to thin slits and smoke rose from his nostrils. He looked over at Hare and his eyes grew narrower. Hare blinked in shock, then drew away with a hiss. She knew now why this dragon felt so familiar.

"Kill him," she hissed, interrupting Glory and Tsunami's argument. Both looked at her in surprise.

"What?" Glory said.

"Kill him," Hare repeated, turning her gaze over to the RainWing.

Tsunami just stared with wide eyes while Glory sat down and flicked her tail. She still seemed a little in shock too.

"Well, I got one dragon on my side about this."

"We have no reason to kill him," Tsunami blurted at last. "He hasn't done anything. Yet."

"We have plenty of reasons to kill him," Hare snarled. "Don't you recognize him?"

Tsunami looked down at the SkyWing in confusion. "No?"

"Seriously?" Hare pushed Tsunami's talon away from his snout and lifted the SkyWing's head. "Look at him! Do you not realize who he is?"

Tsunami shook her head while Glory craned her neck forward and squinted her eyes. Sunny and Starflight moved in front of the dragon to look at his face. Clay hung his head over to look.

"Who is he?" Clay asked.

"This is Moor," Hare said, shoving the SkyWing's head back into the sand. "He murdered Hvitur."

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