~ The Kingdom of the Sea: Epilogue ~

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Wingbeats pounded the sky. Two guards led the new dragon to the queen's throne room, where she was pacing irritably. Her three daughters were with her. Two had harnesses attached to them while the third sat on her throne regally. She nodded at the new dragon as the guards brought her in.

"Your Majesty," one of the guards said. "Someone would like to see you. She was waiting for us on one of the islands."

The queen stopped pacing, her eyes narrowing instantly.

"A SkyWing!" she spat. "What are you doing in my kingdom?" She turned on the guards, who flinched. "How could you let her in?"

"Easy." The SkyWing held up her talons innocently. "I come in peace. My name is Glider, it's an honor to meet you, Queen Coral."

"Quit the blabbering," Coral spat. "Why are you here?

Glider put her talons down. "I'm searching for six dragonets, and I have reasons to suspect they've been in your kingdom. Have you happened to see them?"

Queen Coral eyed her suspiciously. "I'm assuming you're referring to the band of misfits."

"If that's what you'd like to call them."

The queen huffed and turned away. "I don't see why I should provide you with any information. You're an enemy."

"If you're wise, you'll tell me where they are," Glider snarled.

"I will tell you nothing," Queen Coral shot back.

Glider stepped back. "Very well."

Glider flicked her tail, just a tiny bit, but that was all it took. Instantly bombs of fire began to drop through the canopy.

Queen Coral gasped in horror.

"You've led the SkyWings and MudWings to us!" she shrieked.

"Of course I have." Glider reached into one of her pouches and pretended to be digging around, though she already knew exactly what she wanted and even had it between her claws. "You didn't think I really came alone, did you?"

She pulled out a sharp silver disc and flung it in the direction of the smallest dragonet. Coral screeched in horror and reached out to protect her, but her other daughter was faster. The pale dragonet leaped forward and covered her sister protectively, The disc hit her back, causing her to shriek in pain.

"Pity," Glider said, making a small tsk sound.

The sounds of panicked dragons echoed through the air. Glider smiled proudly.

"All of this could've been avoided," Glider reminded the queen as she began to collect her daughters in a panicked manner. Even her oldest seemed afraid. "All I needed was a little information."

"My daughter is with those dragons!" Coral cried.

"Oh, a princess?" Glider gasped as though she didn't already know this. "How interesting."

With that, Glider turned and flew away, leaving the horrified kingdom behind her.

Wings of Fire: The Kingdom of the Sea | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now