~ The Kingdom of the Sea: Chapter 11 ~

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"You didn't have a choice," Hare said, placing a reassuring talon on Tsunami's shoulder. They were alone on the Council pavilion, everyone else was leaving. Tsunami shook her off.

"Leave me alone," Tsunami murmured. "Please."

Hare stayed there for a moment, then nodded and flew off the pavilion. She soared over the lake and flew into her cave. She yelped as she saw the unexpected visitor.

Trench's back was to her, but she turned and waved when she heard Hare.

"Hey Hare. Catfish told me where to find you."

Hare blinked, then looked around. "Where is Catfish?" she asked.

"He's out." Trench stretched and walked over to Hare. "It's actually why I'm here."

Hsre tilted her head. "What do you mean?"

"Catfish clearly takes a liking to you," Trench said. Hare felt her heart soar a little when she said that. "He'd be much more willing to accept your help."

Hare nodded. "Alright, what do I need to do?"

Hare and Trench stood together on a craggy outlook. Wind whipped around them. Familiar blue-ish purple scales were flying toward them, but someone unfamiliar was with them. Their scales were dark green and they had a slim figure.

Finally, Catfish landed in front of them. The new dragon landed beside him. She was quite beautiful. Hare felt a twinge of jealousy. How long had Catfish been with her for?

"Seahorse," Trench said, clearly shocked. "I wasn't expecting you to be with him."

"I was helping him," Seahorse said, leaning closer to Catfish. Hare swallowed a snarl and forced herself to remain calm.

Seahorse looked at Hare. "Is this Blister's niece? The one everyone's been talking about?"

"It is," Trench said.

Seahorse dipped her head. "It's an honor to meet you." Hare felt even more irritated that she didn't leave Catfish's side. If anything, she was getting closer.

"The pleasure's all mine," Hare said, forcing her voice to sound calm and collected.

"Any luck today?" Trench asked.

Catfish, who'd looked awfully sad this entire time, let out an anguished wail. "Nothing! I can't find any sign of her!"

Seahorse wrapped her wing over him to offer comfort, but he pulled away and curled up on the rock. Seahorse hesitated. Hare expected her to go try to offer more comfort, but she just sighed and stayed where she was. Hare looked at Trench in confusion.

"I don't understand. What's going on?"

"We're searching for a missing dragon," Trench explained. "That's why you're here, to help look."

Seahorse flicked her tail-tip in irritation. "That's why I'm here, too."

Trench waved her talon dismissively. Seahorse looked hurt. "Right, of course."

"Who even is it?" Hare asked.

Trench lowered her voice. "It's Catfish's sister, Axolotl. She disappeared one morning about two weeks ago, and we've been searching ever since."

"How do you know she didn't just choose to leave?" Hare asked.

"She wouldn't!" Catfish wailed, lifting his head from under his talons. "Not without telling us or leaving a note."

Seahorse wrapped her tail around his. "We'll find her," she promised. "We'll search the entire ocean."

Catfish looked at Hare. His eyes were filled with tears, making Hare's heart ache for him. "How can Hare help?"

Wings of Fire: The Kingdom of the Sea | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now