~ The Kingdom of the Sea: Chapter 22 ~

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"No!" Hare shrieked, clawing at the nearest guard that tried to grab her. She looked pleadingly at Blister, but her aunt made no effort to help. Guards were beginning to close in. Glory, Tsunami, Trench, and Kestrel all prepared to fight while Clay protected Starflight and Sunny. Hare hated to admit it, but they were outnumbered. They couldn't fight. They had no choice but to flee.

"Fly!" Hare cried.

The guards lunged forward as they took to the air. They tried to drag them back down, but the dragonets fought and sent them crashing back down to the ground. Even Starflight lunged forward and clawed at a couple guards.

They battled their way out of the feasting hall, then quickly flew away. Hare shot one more look over her shoulder. Blister was just watching as Coral cried orders at her guards. Orca was staring with an unreadable look, and Anemone watched them with wide, anxious eyes.

"They're going to start following," Trench cried over her shoulder. "Get to the tunnel, go!"

As she spoke, wingbeats could be heard behind them. Hare flew as quickly as she could. The others dove down underneath the water. Trench remained above the water, watching them go. Sunny hesitated, clutching the egg close.

"It'll be okay," Hare promised. "Stick by me."

Together, the two tucked in their wings and dove underwater. Hare swam through the tunnels, refusing to pause at the air caves. Finally, they reached the end and rose to the surface. Hare gasped for air and looked back at Sunny. The little SandWing came up from the water and instantly checked the egg.

"Where do we go?" Starflight asked urgently.

"I don't know," Hare responded. "Where's Trench?"

Hare hovered in the air, staring at where they emerged from until Trench finally came out. She was flapping weakly and her moves were awkward. Her side was dripping with blood and there was a deep cut.

"Trench!" Hare cried.

"I'm fine," Trench gasped. "Just fly."

"What happened?" Hare asked.

"I had to make them lose us somehow," the SeaWing breathed. "I cut my side on some rocks so the blood would blind them for a little while. But we need to go. Now."

"Where do we go?" Starflight repeated.

"Lead them to the spot," Trench told Hare. "Nobody will find us there."

"I'll stay back here with her and keep her moving," Sunny offered.

"But she needs to be treated," Hare protested.

"I'll be fine," Trench insisted. "Just fly."

The sun was high in the sky by the time they reached the green island. They'd flown without pausing once. They were all eager to get to safety.

Hare guided the dragonets and Kestrel through the branches, looking back at Trench every chance she got. Her friend was limping badly, and her face was scrunched up in pain.

After what felt like forever, they made it to the spot. Hare couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that nobody was there, but she didn't linger on it.

"Settle in," she ordered, darting over to Trench as she limped into the area. Hare guided her to the far side of the spot and laid her down on her uninjured side. Hare grabbed the nearest things she could to stop the bleeding, using leaves and ripped off bits of cloth.

"Stay awake," Hare pleaded. "I need to know you're alive."

Trench put her talon on the side of Hare's face and smiled weakly. "I'll be okay," she promised.

Wings of Fire: The Kingdom of the Sea | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now