One: Prelude

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In 47 AC, when King Maegor wished to take another wife, Lady Clarisse Dayne was offered as a political scheme to get part of Dorne to side with the Crown. King Maegor dismissed Lady Clarisse and she remained at the ancestral home of House Dayne, Starfall. She remained the head of House Dayne and married a distant cousin to keep the Dayne name at Starfall.

Many years later, House Dayne would be subjected to a political scheme once again. Lady Clarisse had two grandchildren: a man who became Lord of Starfall, and a woman, Lady Asha Dayne who was still unmarried at thirty. Some even began to think she was past her childbearing years.

At the same time, in King's Landing, a scandal was breaking loose. Princess Rhaenyra was rumored to be having an affair with Ser Harwin Strong, and the day that the Princess' first son was born with dark hair, a plan was hatched for damage control. Marry Ser Harwin to Lady Asha Dayne.

Both Houses Strong and Dayne were great houses, both claiming to have the blood of the First Men. House Dayne even had the blood of Princess Nymeria from the son she had with Lord Davos Dayne. So the two were wed one moon after the birth of Prince Jacaerys.

Lady Asha was confirmed to be with child two moons after their wedding. Asha experienced a difficult pregnancy from the beginning, bedridden for most of her term. Two moons too early, Lady Asha delivered Kristyne Strong, losing her life in the process.

The young lady was raised by her father, taken in by Princess Rhaenyra, and raised amongst her sons as time went on.

Kris stood over the book, frowning that it ended there. That's not where her story ended, that's where it began.

"Displeased?" Aemond asked behind her.

She turned to face him with a snarl. "You monster. Why am I here?"

"You know why, don't be insipid. You're smarter than that. 'Tis not my fault you are so clumsy on Dragonback, Lady Strong."

She tilted her head at his acknowledgment of her title. The only time she ever heard him call someone else a Strong was as an insult towards her half-brothers. It was never a term of endearment. Not that Aemond was ever endearing.

"I want to go home," she mumbled.

"Dragonstone is not your home, that is not where you were raised. Here was. Starfall would be more your home than Dragonstone. You are not a Targaryen, you have no dragon blood in you. You are a disgrace to be raised amongst Valyrians."

"Then let me go to Starfall! My uncle has died, my cousin is the Lord. He would let me take refuge. What do you have to gain from keeping me here?"

"Power over you and my sister's brood of bastards. You don't deserve what you've been given. We are superior, we are gods."

She tried to stomp closer to him but the shackles around her ankles prevented her from getting too close. "The blood of the First Men and Nymeria runs through my veins. I may not have your fire, Aemond, but I have an age-old honor you dream of."

"You've always been an ant under my shoe, Kristyne. I will hold you hostage until I can find a way to use you for my benefit, to serve my own purpose."

She rolled her eyes. "If the throne is not what you desire, what is it? Revenge? The same hateful boy I remember."

He scoffed. "You haven't known me for a long time. Maybe it is the throne I seek."

"You are much like Daemon. You would both be so bored if you were on the throne. If you wish to be a man, act like one. Let me go and I shall never return, I swear it. Let me go to my true home, put me in a carriage, and send me to Starfall."

Aemond eyed her up and down and laughed. "Right. You best get comfortable in here, Kristyne. You will not be leaving for a long time."

Through Morning's Eye coming soon!

Millie Brady as Kristyne Strong

Ewan Mitchell as Aemond Targaryen

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Ewan Mitchell as Aemond Targaryen

HELLO!!! yes, I heard all of your requests

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HELLO!!! yes, I heard all of your requests. The man, MANY requests for me to make another Aemond fanfic. Like, y'all were persistent. Private messaging me and everything. Anyways, here we are.

As you can tell, this fanfic will be much different than The Vengeful Ghost in a few ways. A) the OC here does not have a drop of Valyrian blood and has no love for dragons. B) This fanfic will have many more dark themes such as kidnapping and some Stockholm syndrome. And C) much to my dismay, I was coaxed into writing a more Pro Team Black fanfic. If you read TVG or my now-deleted fanfic Bloody Bravado, you will know that this will be a first for me.

Also, as usual with me, I will be loosely following the canon timeline. Which means I will be stretching things out. But if you've read my previous works, you know that's how I roll.

So the official tags for this fic: are explicit sexual content, violence, gore, death, friends to enemies to lovers, kidnapping, death, death, and death.

Despite all its differences with The Vengeful Ghost, I hope you all enjoy it because I made this for you all. I was not going to make another fanfic, I was going to focus on other original works, but your continued love and support made me come back. I love you all from the bottom of my heart.

Dedications: alyssrivrs phyllicheese

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